User Notification in Context of Information Privacy– Designs and Techniques

  • Typ:Masterarbeit
  • Datum:sofort/immediately
  • Betreuung:

    Mandy Goram

  • Background:

    Users need to know what happens with an application, their data processing and in case of errors and conflicts when triggering an action within the system. Therefore, different kinds of notifiactions has been developed to inform user’s what currently happened. These kind of notifications can be context independent or pop-up just in time, when something important happend in the system. That is especially important in information privacy context.

    To understand what characteristics notifications need in context of privacy information provision, it requires an extraction of extisting notification design and techniques.



    • Review of scientific and practical approaches on user notification
    • Identify notification design and techniques



    Zou, Y., Danino, S., Sun, K., & Schaub, F. (2019). You `Might’ Be Affected: An Empirical Analysis of Readability and Usability Issues in Data Breach Notifications. Proceedings of the 2019 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems - CHI ’19, 1–14.


    Micallef, N., Just, M., Baillie, L., & Alharby, M. (2017). Stop annoying me!: An empirical investigation of the usability of app privacy notifications. Proceedings of the 29th Australian Conference on Computer-Human Interaction  - OZCHI ’17, 371–375.


    Balebako, R., Schaub, F., Adjerid, I., Acquisti, A., & Cranor, L. (2015). The Impact of Timing on the Salience of Smartphone App Privacy Notices. Proceedings of the 5th Annual ACM CCS Workshop on Security and Privacy in Smartphones and Mobile Devices - SPSM ’15, 63–74.