Prof. Kalle Lyytinen mit dem International Excellence Fellowship of KIT ausgezeichnet

(18.01.2024) Der Vorstand des KIT hat Prof. Kalle Lyytinen ( von der Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, Ohio, USA mit dem International Excellence Fellowship of KIT ausgezeichnet.

Das International Excellence Fellowship ist eine einzigartige Auszeichnung des KIT, die sich an weltweit führende Wissenschaftlerinnen und Wissenschaftler in für das KIT relevanten Forschungsgebieten richtet. Es soll die internationale Zusammenarbeit des KIT mit Spitzenuniversitäten und -forschungseinrichtungen weiter intensivieren und Forschenden des KIT und aus dem Ausland helfen, bestehende wissenschaftliche Partnerschaften und Projekte fortzuführen und neue zu initiieren. Nur wenigen herausragenden Forschenden wird die Ehre einer Auszeichnung mit dem International Excellence Fellowship of KIT zuteil.

Im Rahmen seines International Excellence Fellowship wird Prof. Lyytinen einige Monate zur Forschung am KIT verbringen. Das Institut für Angewandte Informatik und Formale Beschreibungsverfahren (AIFB) und die Forschungsgruppe cii von Prof. Ali Sunyaev freuen sich als gastgebendes Institut für den Besuch von Prof. Lyytinen zu fungieren und die langjährige Zusammenarbeit mit Prof. Lyytinen somit auszubauen und zu intensivieren.

Willkommen Kalle!


About Prof. Kalle Lyytinen:

Kalle Lyytinen, PhD, is the Iris S. Wolstein Professor of Management Design and Distinguished University Professor at Case Western Reserve University. Lyytinen’s research focuses generally on the content, form and antecedents of digital innovations and how they shape organizations and industries. His work helps organizations know how to identify, absorb, manage, implement and be transformed by digital innovations. His research has focused on the content and logic of digital innovation, digital innovation regimes and infrastructures, organizing and processes of digital innovation, how digital technology shapes engineering and design practices,  and how organizing affects software development outcomes – especially in open source development. Lyytinen has also studied in the past the adoption of new technologies- especially mobile technologies, new collaboration forms enabled by technologies, and new ways to determine large scale system requirements. He has also written articles on research methods, theory and how to theorize of phenomena which is fast changing and dynamic. His teaching interests have focused on digital innovation theory, new business venturing, design theory and methods, research methods and theory.

Lyytinen has an extensive list of over 450 publications in numerous prestigious journals including Information Systems Research; Management Information Systems Quarterly; and Organization Science and leading conferences. He is currently among the top five scholars in the information system field by citations (51 000, h-index 100). He has presented his work extensively in the U.S. and worked globally at academic institutions including London School of Economics (UK), Erasmus University, Netherlands, University of Sorbonne, France, LUISS University, Italy, University of Cape Town, ZA; Copenhagen Business School, Denmark; City University of Hong Kong, CPR; Auckland University School of Business, New Zealand; Umea University, Sweden; Aalto University, Finland; and Oslo University, Norway, among others.

Professionally, Lyytinen has served as vice president for the Association for Information Systems(AIS), senior editor for Information Systems Research and Editor-in-chief for the Journal of the association for Information Systems. He has served as editorial board member in all major information systems and  several organization theory and management journals and edited numerous special issues on topics like standardization, digital innovation, strategy, research methods, future of work and digital infrastructures. He has received an honorary doctorate from Copenhagen Business School (2016), Umea University (2008) and Lappeenranta University of Technology (2017). Lyytinen received the LEO Award from AIS in 2013 and he has received numerous Best Paper Awards from AIS (ICIS), HICSS and AoM (OCIS). Lyytinen received his PhD in 1986 from the University of Jyvaskyla, Finland.