BISE Student – Blockchain-Enabled Open Access Publication Platform for Student Theses goes Online
(22.02.2022) BISE Student, a new blockchain-enabled publication platform, launches today. In collaboration with the Business & Information Systems Engineering (BISE) Journal, Bloxberg Blockchain, and the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, the project envisions transparent, secure open knowledge sharing and publishing of student theses.
Starting today, the BISE Student open access publication platform offers students and scholars a way to publish and access student theses reliably and securely through its decentralized bloxberg blockchain system. The platform provides a fast and effective publication process while ensuring openness and transparency. Moreover, the blockchain system offers high integrity, system availability, scalability, and, most important, security of author rights.
“Our goal is to incentivize students and researchers to share their theses, which are often stowed away in university archives and drawers but usually contain significant findings for research as well as practice. “ – says Prof. Dr. Ali Sunyaev, Director of the Institute AIFB, at KIT. Indeed, BISE Student offers real scientific publication with a DOI, and BISE Journal plans its own sub-journal dedicated to these theses. By doing so, BISE Student envisions making created knowledge more available and visible while also facilitating reuse and extension of previous scientific findings.
For further information and to try out BISE Student for yourself, have a look at the attached Flyer or visit