Manuel Schmidt-Kraepelin is a postdoctoral researcher at the research group Critical Information Infrastructures.
- 10/2013 – 06/2016: Master of Science in Information Systems at the University of Cologne.
- 10/2010 – 09/2013: Bachelor of Science in Information Systems at the University of Cologne.
Work Experience:
- Since 06/2019: Research associate at Critical Information Infrastructures Research Group at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
- 09/2017 - 05/2019: Research associate at the Chair for Information Systems and Systems Engineering at the University of Kassel, place of Employment KIT.
- 07/2016 - 08/2017: Research associate at the Department of Information Systems and System Development of the University of Cologne.
- 03/2013 - 06/2016: Student assistant at the Department of Information Systems and System Development of the University of Cologne.
Grants and Scholarships:
- Travel Grant of the German Academic Exchange Service (2020).
- Deutschlandstipendium (Scholarship) of the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research and the IBM Deutschland GmbH (2014 - 2016).
Honours and Awards:
- Best Reviewer Award (Track: Digital Learning and IS Curricula) of the International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS) 2022.
- Best Theory Paper on Track (Track: IS in Healthcare) at the International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS) 2020.
- Best Reviewer Award of the Pre-ICIS Workshop on Information Security and Privacy (WISP) 2019.
- Best Reviewer Award of the Pre-ICIS Workshop on Information Security and Privacy (WISP) 2018.
- Doctoral Fellow of the Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS) (2018).
- Dean´s Award of the Faculty of Management, Economics and Social Science at the University of Cologne. Belonging to the best 5% of his cohort in his undergraduate studies (2012).
Reviewer for:
- Journals:(alphabetically)
Communications of the AIS (CAIS), Electronic Commerce Research and Applications (ECRA), European Journal of Information Systems (EJIS), Journal of Medical Internet Research (JMIR), JMIR mHealth and uHealth (JMU), JMIR Public Health and Surveillance (JPH), JMIR Serious Games (JSG) - Conferences & Workshops:(alphabetically)
Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS), European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS), Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS), International Conference on Persuasive Technology (Persuasive), International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS), International GamiFIN Conference (GamiFIN), Pre-ICIS Workshop on Information Security and Privacy (WISP), Wirtschaftsinformatik (WI)
Conference Papers
Privacy-Utility Trade-Offs in Genetic Data Sharing and the Moderating Role of Social Distance: An Interdependent Privacy Calculus
Thiebes, S.; Schmidt-Kraepelin, M.; Toussaint, P. A.; Lyytinen, K.; Sunyaev, A.
2024. ICIS 2024 Proceedings, Bangkok, T, 2024, 15-18 December
Thiebes, S.; Schmidt-Kraepelin, M.; Toussaint, P. A.; Lyytinen, K.; Sunyaev, A.
2024. ICIS 2024 Proceedings, Bangkok, T, 2024, 15-18 December
Outplay Your Weaker Self: A Mixed-Methods Study on Gamification to Overcome Procrastination in Academia
Kirchner-Krath, J.; Schmidt-Kraepelin, M.; Schöbel, S.; Ullrich, M.; Sunyaev, A.; Von Korflesch, H. F. O.
2024. CHI ’24 : Proceedings of the CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, Honolulu, 11th-16th May 2024, 1–19, Association for Computing Machinery (ACM). doi:10.1145/3613904.3642048
Kirchner-Krath, J.; Schmidt-Kraepelin, M.; Schöbel, S.; Ullrich, M.; Sunyaev, A.; Von Korflesch, H. F. O.
2024. CHI ’24 : Proceedings of the CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, Honolulu, 11th-16th May 2024, 1–19, Association for Computing Machinery (ACM). doi:10.1145/3613904.3642048
Leaderboards in Gamified Information Systems for Health Behavior Change: The Role of Positioning, Psychological Needs, and Gamification User Types
Schmidt-Kraepelin, M.; Ben Ayed, M.; Warsinsky, S. L.; Hu, S.; Thiebes, S.; Sunyaev, A.
2024. Proceedings of the 57th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, Honolulu, HI, 3rd - 6th January 2024, 3444–3453, University of Hawaii
Schmidt-Kraepelin, M.; Ben Ayed, M.; Warsinsky, S. L.; Hu, S.; Thiebes, S.; Sunyaev, A.
2024. Proceedings of the 57th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, Honolulu, HI, 3rd - 6th January 2024, 3444–3453, University of Hawaii
Designing Gamification Concepts for Expert Explainable Artificial Intelligence Evaluation Tasks: A Problem Space Exploration
Toussaint, P. A.; Warsinsky, S. L.; Schmidt-Kraepelin, M.; Thiebes, S.; Sunyaev, A.
2024. Proceedings of the 57th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, Honolulu, HI, 3rd - 6th January 2024, 1338–1347, ScholarSpace
Toussaint, P. A.; Warsinsky, S. L.; Schmidt-Kraepelin, M.; Thiebes, S.; Sunyaev, A.
2024. Proceedings of the 57th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, Honolulu, HI, 3rd - 6th January 2024, 1338–1347, ScholarSpace
How Experts Rely on Intuition in Medical Image Annotation – A Study Proposal
Leiser, F.; Warsinsky, S. L.; Schmidt-Kraepelin, M.; Thiebes, S.; Sunyaev, A.
2024. Proceedings NeuroIS Retreat 2023 Vienna, Austria | May 30 - June 1. Ed.: F. Davis Information Systems and Neuroscience – NeuroIS Retreat 2023, Vienna, Austria. Ed.: F. Davis, 253–261, Springer. doi:10.1007/978-3-031-58396-4_22
Leiser, F.; Warsinsky, S. L.; Schmidt-Kraepelin, M.; Thiebes, S.; Sunyaev, A.
2024. Proceedings NeuroIS Retreat 2023 Vienna, Austria | May 30 - June 1. Ed.: F. Davis Information Systems and Neuroscience – NeuroIS Retreat 2023, Vienna, Austria. Ed.: F. Davis, 253–261, Springer. doi:10.1007/978-3-031-58396-4_22
Journal Articles
Mapping Distributed Ledger Technology Characteristics to Use Cases in Healthcare: A Structured Literature Review
Hu, S.; Schmidt-Kraepelin, M.; Thiebes, S.; Sunyaev, A.
2024. ACM Transactions on Computing for Healthcare, 5 (3), Art.-Nr.: 15. doi:10.1145/3653076
Hu, S.; Schmidt-Kraepelin, M.; Thiebes, S.; Sunyaev, A.
2024. ACM Transactions on Computing for Healthcare, 5 (3), Art.-Nr.: 15. doi:10.1145/3653076
Conference Papers
Narrative Transportation in Gamified Information Systems: The Role of Narrative-Task Congruence
Schmidt-Kraepelin, M.; Thiebes, S.; Warsinsky, S. L.; Petter, S.; Sunyaev, A.
2023. Extended Abstracts of the 2023 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 1–9, Association for Computing Machinery (ACM). doi:10.1145/3544549.3585595
Schmidt-Kraepelin, M.; Thiebes, S.; Warsinsky, S. L.; Petter, S.; Sunyaev, A.
2023. Extended Abstracts of the 2023 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 1–9, Association for Computing Machinery (ACM). doi:10.1145/3544549.3585595
Be Mindful of User Preferences: An Explorative Study on Game Design Elements in Mindfulness Applications
Hu, S.; Usta, A.; Schmidt-Kraepelin, M.; Warsinsky, S.; Thiebes, S.; Sunyaev, A.
2023. Proceedings of the 56th Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences : January 3-6, 2023, 1116–1125, University of Hawaii
Hu, S.; Usta, A.; Schmidt-Kraepelin, M.; Warsinsky, S.; Thiebes, S.; Sunyaev, A.
2023. Proceedings of the 56th Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences : January 3-6, 2023, 1116–1125, University of Hawaii
Understanding the Role of Expert Intuition in Medical Image Annotation: A Cognitive Task Analysis Approach
Leiser, F.; Warsinsky, S.; Daum, M.; Schmidt-Kraepelin, M.; Thiebes, S.; Wagner, M.; Sunyaev, A.
2023. Proceedings of the 56th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS 2023). Ed.: T.X. Bui, 2850–2859
Leiser, F.; Warsinsky, S.; Daum, M.; Schmidt-Kraepelin, M.; Thiebes, S.; Wagner, M.; Sunyaev, A.
2023. Proceedings of the 56th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS 2023). Ed.: T.X. Bui, 2850–2859
Journal Articles
Medical informed machine learning: A scoping review and future research directions
Leiser, F.; Rank, S.; Schmidt-Kraepelin, M.; Thiebes, S.; Sunyaev, A.
2023. Artificial Intelligence in Medicine, 145, Art.-Nr.: 102676. doi:10.1016/j.artmed.2023.102676
Leiser, F.; Rank, S.; Schmidt-Kraepelin, M.; Thiebes, S.; Sunyaev, A.
2023. Artificial Intelligence in Medicine, 145, Art.-Nr.: 102676. doi:10.1016/j.artmed.2023.102676
PhD Theses
Gamified information systems for health behavior change. PhD dissertation
Schmidt-Kraepelin, M.
2023, July 7. Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT)
Schmidt-Kraepelin, M.
2023, July 7. Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT)
Conference Papers
Gamified Expert Annotation Systems: Meta-Requirements and Tentative Design
Warsinsky, S.; Schmidt-Kraepelin, M.; Thiebes, S.; Wagner, M.; Sunyaev, A.
2022. The Transdisciplinary Reach of Design Science Research – 17th International Conference on Design Science Research in Information Systems and Technology, DESRIST 2022, St Petersburg, FL, USA, June 1–3, 2022, Proceedings. Ed.: A. Drechsler, 154–166, Springer International Publishing. doi:10.1007/978-3-031-06516-3_12
Warsinsky, S.; Schmidt-Kraepelin, M.; Thiebes, S.; Wagner, M.; Sunyaev, A.
2022. The Transdisciplinary Reach of Design Science Research – 17th International Conference on Design Science Research in Information Systems and Technology, DESRIST 2022, St Petersburg, FL, USA, June 1–3, 2022, Proceedings. Ed.: A. Drechsler, 154–166, Springer International Publishing. doi:10.1007/978-3-031-06516-3_12
Conceptualizing Narratives in Gamified Information Systems
Schmidt-Kraepelin, M.; Warsinsky, S.; Thiebes, S.; Sunyaev, A.
2022. Proceedings of the 55th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, 1584–1593. doi:10.24251/HICSS.2022.197
Schmidt-Kraepelin, M.; Warsinsky, S.; Thiebes, S.; Sunyaev, A.
2022. Proceedings of the 55th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, 1584–1593. doi:10.24251/HICSS.2022.197
Journal Articles
Design Concerns for Multiorganizational, Multistakeholder Collaboration: A Study in the Healthcare Industry
Thiebes, S.; Gao, F.; Briggs, R. O.; Schmidt-Kraepelin, M.; Sunyaev, A.
2022. Journal of management information systems, 4
Thiebes, S.; Gao, F.; Briggs, R. O.; Schmidt-Kraepelin, M.; Sunyaev, A.
2022. Journal of management information systems, 4
Perceived fairness of direct-to-consumer genetic testing business models
Toussaint, P. A.; Thiebes, S.; Schmidt-Kraepelin, M.; Sunyaev, A.
2022. Electronic Markets, 32 (3), 1621–1638. doi:10.1007/s12525-022-00571-x
Toussaint, P. A.; Thiebes, S.; Schmidt-Kraepelin, M.; Sunyaev, A.
2022. Electronic Markets, 32 (3), 1621–1638. doi:10.1007/s12525-022-00571-x
Conference Papers
Are Gamification Projects Different? An Exploratory Study on Software Project Risks for Gamified Health Behavior Change Support Systems
Warsinsky, S.; Schmidt-Kraepelin, M.; Thiebes, S.; Sunyaev, A.
2021. Proceedings of the 54th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, 2021, 1305–1314, University of Hawai’i at Manoa / Hamilton Library. doi:10.24251/HICSS.2021.159
Warsinsky, S.; Schmidt-Kraepelin, M.; Thiebes, S.; Sunyaev, A.
2021. Proceedings of the 54th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, 2021, 1305–1314, University of Hawai’i at Manoa / Hamilton Library. doi:10.24251/HICSS.2021.159
Journal Articles
Adaptive and Personalized Gamification Designs: Call for Action and Future Research
Schöbel S.; Schmidt-Kraepelin, M.; Janson, A.; Sunyaev, A.
2021. AIS transactions on human-computer interaction, 13 (4), 479–494. doi:10.17705/1thci.00158
Schöbel S.; Schmidt-Kraepelin, M.; Janson, A.; Sunyaev, A.
2021. AIS transactions on human-computer interaction, 13 (4), 479–494. doi:10.17705/1thci.00158
Conceptual Ambiguity Surrounding Gamification and Serious Games in Health Care: Literature Review and Development of Game-Based Intervention Reporting Guidelines (GAMING)
Warsinsky, S.; Schmidt-Kraepelin, M.; Rank, S.; Thiebes, S.; Sunyaev, A.
2021. Journal of medical internet research, 23 (9), Art.-Nr.: e30390. doi:10.2196/30390
Warsinsky, S.; Schmidt-Kraepelin, M.; Rank, S.; Thiebes, S.; Sunyaev, A.
2021. Journal of medical internet research, 23 (9), Art.-Nr.: e30390. doi:10.2196/30390
How detection ranges and usage stops impact digital contact tracing effectiveness for COVID-19
Pandl, K. D.; Thiebes, S.; Schmidt-Kraepelin, M.; Sunyaev, A.
2021. Scientific reports, 11 (1), Art.-Nr.: 9414. doi:10.1038/s41598-021-88768-6
Pandl, K. D.; Thiebes, S.; Schmidt-Kraepelin, M.; Sunyaev, A.
2021. Scientific reports, 11 (1), Art.-Nr.: 9414. doi:10.1038/s41598-021-88768-6
Book Chapters
Ökonomische Grundlagen, Chancen und Perspektiven von Social Media
Sunyaev, A.; Schmidt-Kraepelin, M.; Thiebes, S.
2021. Rechtshandbuch Social Media. Hrsg.: G. Hornung, Springer
Sunyaev, A.; Schmidt-Kraepelin, M.; Thiebes, S.
2021. Rechtshandbuch Social Media. Hrsg.: G. Hornung, Springer
Conference Papers
Social Comparison in mHealth: The Role of Similar Others and Feelings of Envy
Fallon, M.; Schmidt-Kraepelin, M.; Warsinsky, S.; Thiebes, S.; Sunyaev, A.
2020. Proceedings of the 51st International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS2020), December 13-16, 2020 (virtual conference)
Fallon, M.; Schmidt-Kraepelin, M.; Warsinsky, S.; Thiebes, S.; Sunyaev, A.
2020. Proceedings of the 51st International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS2020), December 13-16, 2020 (virtual conference)
Beyond Data Markets: Opportunities and Challenges for Distributed Ledger Technology in Genomics
Thiebes, S.; Kannengießer, N.; Schmidt-Kraepelin, M.; Sunyaev, A.
2020. Proceedings of the 53rd Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS 2020), Maui, Hawaii, 3275–3284, ScholarSpace. doi:10.24251/HICSS.2020.400
Thiebes, S.; Kannengießer, N.; Schmidt-Kraepelin, M.; Sunyaev, A.
2020. Proceedings of the 53rd Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS 2020), Maui, Hawaii, 3275–3284, ScholarSpace. doi:10.24251/HICSS.2020.400
The Role of Gamification in Health Behavior Change: A Review of Theory-driven Studies
Schmidt-Kraepelin, M.; Warsinsky, S.; Thiebes, S.; Sunyaev, A.
2020. Proceedings of the 53rd Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS 2020), Maui, Hawaii
Schmidt-Kraepelin, M.; Warsinsky, S.; Thiebes, S.; Sunyaev, A.
2020. Proceedings of the 53rd Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS 2020), Maui, Hawaii
Journal Articles
Archetypes of Gamification: Analysis of mHealth Apps
Schmidt-Kraepelin, M.; Toussaint, P. A.; Thiebes, S.; Hamari, J.; Sunyaev, A.
2020. JMIR mhealth and uhealth, 8 (10), Art.Nr. e19280. doi:10.2196/19280
Schmidt-Kraepelin, M.; Toussaint, P. A.; Thiebes, S.; Hamari, J.; Sunyaev, A.
2020. JMIR mhealth and uhealth, 8 (10), Art.Nr. e19280. doi:10.2196/19280
On the Convergence of Artificial Intelligence and Distributed Ledger Technology: A Scoping Review and Future Research Agenda
Pandl, K. D.; Thiebes, S.; Schmidt-Kraepelin, M.; Sunyaev, A.
2020. IEEE access, 8, 57075–57095. doi:10.1109/ACCESS.2020.2981447
Pandl, K. D.; Thiebes, S.; Schmidt-Kraepelin, M.; Sunyaev, A.
2020. IEEE access, 8, 57075–57095. doi:10.1109/ACCESS.2020.2981447
Conference Papers
Gamification in Health Behavior Change Support Systems - A Synthesis of Unintended Side Effects
Schmidt-Kraepelin, M.; Thiebes, S.; Stepanovic, S.; Mettler, T.; Sunyaev, A.
2019. Wirtschaftsinformatik 2019 Proceedings, 1032–1046
Schmidt-Kraepelin, M.; Thiebes, S.; Stepanovic, S.; Mettler, T.; Sunyaev, A.
2019. Wirtschaftsinformatik 2019 Proceedings, 1032–1046
Users’ game design element preferences in health behavior change support systems for physical activity: A best-worst-scaling approach
Schmidt-Kraepelin, M.; Thiebes, S.; Schöbel, S.; Sunyaev, A.
2019. Proceedings of the 40th International Conference on Information Systems, ICIS 2019, Munich, Germany, December 15-18, 2019, Paper 2576, Association for Information Systems (AIS)
Schmidt-Kraepelin, M.; Thiebes, S.; Schöbel, S.; Sunyaev, A.
2019. Proceedings of the 40th International Conference on Information Systems, ICIS 2019, Munich, Germany, December 15-18, 2019, Paper 2576, Association for Information Systems (AIS)
Wearable health devices in the workplace: The importance of habits to sustain the use
Stepanovic, S.; Mettler, T.; Schmidt-Kraepelin, M.; Thiebes, S.; Sunyaev, A.
2019. Proceedings of the 21st IEEE Conference on Business Informatics (CBI 2019), Moskva, Russia, July 15-17, 2019, 363–372, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). doi:10.1109/CBI.2019.00048
Stepanovic, S.; Mettler, T.; Schmidt-Kraepelin, M.; Thiebes, S.; Sunyaev, A.
2019. Proceedings of the 21st IEEE Conference on Business Informatics (CBI 2019), Moskva, Russia, July 15-17, 2019, 363–372, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). doi:10.1109/CBI.2019.00048
Investigating the Relationship Between User Ratings and Gamification ? A Review of mHealth Apps in the Apple App Store and Google Play Store
Schmidt-Kraepelin, M.; Thiebes, S.; Sunyaev, A.
2019. 52nd Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)
Schmidt-Kraepelin, M.; Thiebes, S.; Sunyaev, A.
2019. 52nd Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)
Conference Papers
Towards Meaningful Gamification Adapted to Individual User Characteristics: Identifying Player Types in the Context of mHealth Apps
Schmidt-Kraepelin, M.
2018. Doctoral Consortium of the 51st Hawaii International Conference on System Science (HICSS 2018), Waikoloa, Big Island, Hawaii
Schmidt-Kraepelin, M.
2018. Doctoral Consortium of the 51st Hawaii International Conference on System Science (HICSS 2018), Waikoloa, Big Island, Hawaii
Whats in the Game? Developing a Taxonomy of Gamification Concepts for Health Apps
Schmidt-Kraepelin, M.; Thiebes, S.; Tran, M. C.; Sunyaev, A.
2018. Proceedings of the 51th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS 2018), 1217–1226, HICSS
Schmidt-Kraepelin, M.; Thiebes, S.; Tran, M. C.; Sunyaev, A.
2018. Proceedings of the 51th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS 2018), 1217–1226, HICSS
Paving the way for real-time Delphi in information systems research: A synthesis of survey instrument designs and feedback mechanisms
Thiebes, S.; Scheidt, D.; Schmidt-Kraepelin, M.; Benlian, A.; Sunyaev, A.
2018. 26th European Conference on Information Systems, ECIS 2018; Portsmouth; United Kingdom; 23 June 2018 through 28 June 2018. U. Frank, Association for Information Systems (AIS)
Thiebes, S.; Scheidt, D.; Schmidt-Kraepelin, M.; Benlian, A.; Sunyaev, A.
2018. 26th European Conference on Information Systems, ECIS 2018; Portsmouth; United Kingdom; 23 June 2018 through 28 June 2018. U. Frank, Association for Information Systems (AIS)
State of play: A citation network analysis of healthcare gamification studies
Schmidt-Kraepelin, M.; Thiebes, S.; Baumsteiger, D.; Sunyaev, A.
2018. 26th European Conference on Information Systems, ECIS 2018, Portsmouth, United Kingdom, 23 June 28 June 2018, Association for Information Systems (AIS)
Schmidt-Kraepelin, M.; Thiebes, S.; Baumsteiger, D.; Sunyaev, A.
2018. 26th European Conference on Information Systems, ECIS 2018, Portsmouth, United Kingdom, 23 June 28 June 2018, Association for Information Systems (AIS)
The influence of gamified workshops on students’ knowledge retention
Putz, L.-M.; Schmidt-Kraepelin, M.; Treiblmaier, H.; Sunyaev, A.
2018. CEUR workshop proceedings, 40–47, RWTH Aachen
Putz, L.-M.; Schmidt-Kraepelin, M.; Treiblmaier, H.; Sunyaev, A.
2018. CEUR workshop proceedings, 40–47, RWTH Aachen
Book Chapters
Verbraucherorientierter Datenschutz: Identifizierung von Verbraucherarchetypen zur effektiven Kommunikation von Datenschutzpraktiken
Sunyaev, A.; Dehling, T.; Schmidt-Kraepelin, M.
2018. Jenseits des Otto Normalverbrauchers: Verbraucherpolitik in Zeiten des ?unmanageable consumer?. Hrsg.: Christian Bala, Wolfgang Schuldzinski, 163–179, Verbraucherzentrale. doi:10.15501/978-3-86336-920-0_8
Sunyaev, A.; Dehling, T.; Schmidt-Kraepelin, M.
2018. Jenseits des Otto Normalverbrauchers: Verbraucherpolitik in Zeiten des ?unmanageable consumer?. Hrsg.: Christian Bala, Wolfgang Schuldzinski, 163–179, Verbraucherzentrale. doi:10.15501/978-3-86336-920-0_8
Gamification of enterprise systems - A synthesis of mechanical, dynamics, and risks
Schmidt-Kraepelin, M.; Thiebes, S.; Lins, S.; Sunyaev, A.
Schmidt-Kraepelin, M.; Thiebes, S.; Lins, S.; Sunyaev, A.
Conference Papers
User Archetypes for Effective Information Privacy Communication
Dehling, T.; Schmidt-Kraepelin, M.; Demircan, M.; Szefer, J.; Sunyaev, A.
2016. Proceedings of the Pre-ICIS Workshop on Information Security and Privacy, Dublin, Ireland (2016), AIS. Atlanta (GA)
Dehling, T.; Schmidt-Kraepelin, M.; Demircan, M.; Szefer, J.; Sunyaev, A.
2016. Proceedings of the Pre-ICIS Workshop on Information Security and Privacy, Dublin, Ireland (2016), AIS. Atlanta (GA)
Conference Papers
Benefits of Augmented Reality in Educational Environments - A Systematic Literature Review
Diegmann, P.; Schmidt-Kraepelin, M.; Van den Eynden, S.; Basten, D.
2015. 12. Internationale Tagung Wirtschaftsinformatik (WI), 4.-6. März 2015, Osnabrück, 1542–1556
Diegmann, P.; Schmidt-Kraepelin, M.; Van den Eynden, S.; Basten, D.
2015. 12. Internationale Tagung Wirtschaftsinformatik (WI), 4.-6. März 2015, Osnabrück, 1542–1556
Conference Papers
Usability of Patient-Centered Health IT: Mixed-Methods Usability Study of ePill
Schmidt-Kraepelin, M.; Dehling, T.; Sunyaev, A.
2014. Proceedings of the 8th Scientific eHealth Conference, eHealth 2014; Vienna; Austria; 22 April 2014 through 23 April 2014, 32–39, IOS Press. doi:10.3233/978-1-61499-397-1-32
Schmidt-Kraepelin, M.; Dehling, T.; Sunyaev, A.
2014. Proceedings of the 8th Scientific eHealth Conference, eHealth 2014; Vienna; Austria; 22 April 2014 through 23 April 2014, 32–39, IOS Press. doi:10.3233/978-1-61499-397-1-32