BISE Call for Papers - Reimagining Digital Health

(25.08.2022) Ali Sunyaev, Daniel Fürstenau & Elizabeth Davidson published a call for papers in the topic area "Reimagining Digital Health: Advances in Patient-Centeredness, Artificial Intelligence, and Data-Driven Care Research". The article is available online:

Special Issue:
Emerging technologies in healthcare such as wearables, robotics, nanotech, connected health, and genomics technologies produce increasing amounts of data, which fuel artificial intelligence-powered algorithms to actively react to, predict, and prevent diseases and steer scarce healthcare resources. Currently, while digitalization in the healthcare sector differs across European countries and worldwide, we see increasing advances that promise highly personalized, predictive, closed-loop, preventive healthcare solutions. These solutions present a chance to increase the quality and empower users of healthcare services, to make healthcare processes more efficient, and to create more inclusive healthcare services for disadvantaged communities and minority groups.

Some topics of interest include:

  • Emerging technologies in health, e.g., wearables, robotics, nanotech, connected health, genomics
  • Patient-centeredness, digital care pathways
  • Patient empowerment and shared decision making
  • User-centered design of health apps, DTx, and care journeys, e.g., via nudging, gamification, behavioral design
  • Value of patient-generated health data
  • Health data governance
  • Health data spaces, data repositories, data collectives, data natives, data commons
  • Data platforms and data ecosystems
  • Data sharing and interoperability
  • Data-driven insights in healthcare, e.g., to improve care coordination and research
  • Data-driven artificial intelligence
  • Privacy and security of healthcare data