Maintaining Privacy as a Social Value

  • Type:Bachelor, Master
  • Date:any starting date
  • Supervisor:

    Tobias Dehling

  • Description

    In the long run, a world without privacy would be a world without free will and innovation, which would be undesirable.

    Are You bothered by a privacy issue and have an idea how to address it within the scope of a thesis? If so, send me a topic proposal stating at least the research problem, intended methods, and targeted contributions.

    Any topic with potential to contribute to maintaining privacy as a social value is fine as long as the research question cannot be addressed by either purely legal or technological means only.

    Introductory Literature
    - Acquisti A, Brandimarte L, Loewenstein G (2020) Secrets and likes: The drive for privacy and the difficulty of achieving it in the digital age. Journal of Consumer Psychology 30(4):736–758.
    - Altman I (1977) Privacy regulation: Culturally universal or culturally specific? Journal of Social Issues 33(3):66–84.
    - Angel MP, Calo R (2023) Distinguishing privacy law: A critique of privacy as social taxonomy. Columbia Law Review 123.
    - Baskerville RL, Myers MD, Yoo Y (2020) Digital first: The ontological reversal and new challenges for information systems research. MIS Quarterly 44(2):509–523.
    - Bélanger F, James TL (2020) A theory of multilevel information privacy management for the digital era. Information Systems Research 31(2):510–536.
    - Bellin J (2021) Pure privacy. Northwestern University Law Review 116(2):463–514.
    - Dehling T, Sunyaev A (2023) A design theory for transparency of information privacy practices. Information Systems Research, ePub ahead of print August 8:1–22.
    - Dourish P, Anderson K (2006) Collective information practice: Exploring privacy and security as social and cultural phenomena. Human-Computer Interaction 21(3):319–342.
    - Laufer RS, Wolfe M (1977) Privacy as a concept and a social issue: A multidimensional developmental theory. Journal of Social Issues 33(3):22–42.
    - Lowry PB, Dinev T, Willison R (2017) Why security and privacy research lies at the centre of the information systems (IS) artefact: Proposing a bold research agenda. European Journal of Information Systems 26(6):546–563.
    - Marmor A (2015) What is the right to privacy? Philosophy & Public Affairs 43(1):3–26.
    - Martin K (2020) Breaking the privacy paradox: The value of privacy and associated duty of firms. Business Ethics Quarterly 30(1):65–96.
    - Nissenbaum H (2004) Privacy as contextual integrity. Washington Law Review 79:119–157.
    - Pozen DE (2016) Privacy-privacy tradeoffs. The University of Chicago Law Review 83:221–247.
    - Quach S, Thaichon P, Martin KD, Weaven S, Palmatier RW (2022) Digital technologies: Tensions in privacy and data. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science 50:1299–1323.
    - Xu H, Zhang N (2022) From contextualizing to context theorizing: Assessing context effects in privacy research. Management Science 68(10):7383–7401.