First Articles Mention the DaWID Project
The DaWID (Data-Centered Value Creation) project that is carried out by the research group of Prof. Dr. Sunyaev as KIT representative will provide the possibility of sovereign data handling for citizens while allowing a data centered value creation in form of a platform ecosystem.
Now first articles mention DaWID:
The first article "Der Digitale Zwilling mit Datensouveränität: Say hello to DaWID" was written by the German Telecom AG in the context of the Data Intelligence Hub. The article shows the opportunities that arise from a digital twin with data sovereignty and outlines the procedure for achieving this goal for the DaWID project.
The second article "From Hollywood into Your Home: The Customer Digital Twin is Coming … with IDS Inside" comes from the International Data Spaces Association. There, the importance of sovereign data sharing is made clear once again.
Further information about the DaWID project are available at: