news10012025Three Articles Presented at the International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS) and the Workshop on Information Technologies and Systems (WITS) 2024 in Bangkok, Thailand

(10.01.2025) Recently, Guangyu Du, Long Hoang Nguyen, Scott Thiebes, and Ali Sunyaev from the cii research group travelled to Bangkok in Thailand to present their current work at the most prestigious gathering of Information Systems academics and research-oriented practitioners in the world.

news17122024Niclas Kannengießer gave a talk at the UZH Blockchain Center

(17.12.2024) Niclas Kannengießer gave a presentation on blockchain system design and automated market makers at the UZH Blockchain Center.

news23122024The cii Research Group Wishes Cheerful Holidays and a Happy New Year!

(23.12.2024) It has been a special and eventful year! With our move to TUM Campus Heilbronn, we now want to say thank you to all of you at KIT and TUM. To all of you wonderful holidays and all the best for a Happy New Year 2025!

news03122024cii Christmas Celebration 2024

(03.12.2024) This year’s Christmas celebration of the cii research group took place in Weingut Able in Heilbronn. Together with new members of the research group at TUM Campus Heilbronn, the group engaged in a joint activity to decorate small Christmas trees and parted ways into the evening after a long celebration.

news21112024New Publication Entitled "Collaborative Distributed Machine Learning"

(21.11.2024) Our publication "Collaborative Distributed Machine Learning" by David Jin, Niclas Kannengießer, Sascha Rank, and Ali Sunyaev has been accepted in the prestigious ACM Computing Surveys.

news30102024Dr. Niclas Kannengießer Gave a Talk on Automated Machine Learning Methods at the University of St. Gallen

(30.10.2024) Dr. Niclas Kannengießer delivered a presentation on the selection of methods for automated machine learning (AutoML) at the University of St. Gallen.

news16102024cii at Ludwig-Maximilians University Munich for “Forschungsmethoden der Wirtschaftsinformatik” Course

(16.10.2024) Three PhD students of the cii research group participated in the “Forschungsmethoden der Wirtschaftsinformatik” course at LMU Munich. The course was open to PhD students from research groups affiliated with the Technical University of Munich (TUM), Ludwig-Maximilians University (LMU) Munich, and the University of the Bundeswehr Munich.

news27092024The cii Research Group and Prof. Dr. Ali Sunyaev Bid Farewell

(27.09.2024) After seven years the cii research group and Prof. Dr. Ali Sunyaev say their good-bye at KIT. They are moving to Technical University of Munich (TUM), Campus Heilbronn, where they will continue their research. For a final farewell ceremony, they were joined by various colleagues and KIT members.

news24092024cii Student Papers – 2024 collection published

(24.09.2024) The cii Student Papers - 2024 collection is published. The cii research group proudly presents outstanding student seminar papers for the fourth time. It will be freely available online via KITOpen within the next days.

news20092024New Short Paper presented at Mensch und Computer Conference 2024

20.09.2024) Paula Hofmann and Eva Späthe presented our new short paper, "AI-based Tools in Higher Education – A Comparative Analysis of University Guidelines" at a conference series on human-computer interaction in Karlsruhe, Germany.

altBest paper award for junior researchers of the Wirtschaftsinformatik e.V.

(20.09.2024) The article "A design theory for transparency of information privacy practices" by Tobias Dehling and Ali Sunyaev has been awarded awarded the best paper award for junior researchers of the Wirtschaftsinformatik e.V.

news12092024New Article „ HybCBDC: A Design for Central Bank Digital Currency Systems Enabling Digital Cash “ Published in IEEE Access

(12.09.2024) Ricky Lamberty, Daniel Kirste, Niclas Kannengießer, and Ali Sunyaev published a new article titled “HybCBDC: A Design for Central Bank Digital Currency Systems Enabling Digital Cash” in IEEE Access.

news05092024Project Kick-Off GameUp

(05.09.2024) On August 12, 2024, the kick-off meeting for the new research project GameUp took place in Bonn.

news28082024New podcast on narratives in gamified information systems with Dr. Manuel Schmidt-Kraepelin

(28.08.2024) Recently, Manuel Schmidt-Kraepelin was a guest on Benjamin Linz and Philip Weber's Spielsinn podcast to talk about his research on narratives in gamified information systems. Spielsinn is a four-weekly podcast dealing with current research on topics such as gamification, game user experience and game design.

news16082024Article Presented and Doctoral Consortium at the Academy of Management (AOM) Annual Meeting

(16.08.2024) Richard Guse from the cii research group presented the accepted paper on “The Development of Value Proposition in Healthcare in the Course of Digital Transformation”. The article was co-authored by Scott Thiebes, Philipp Winterhoff, Martín V. Alzate, Jonas Stangier, and Ali Sunyaev. Additionally, he presented his current dissertation research at the doctoral consortium.

news14082024New Article “On the influence of conventional and automated market makers on market quality in cryptoeconomic systems“ Published in Electronic Markets

(14.08.2024) Daniel Kirste, Alexander Poddey, Niclas Kannengießer, and Ali Sunyaev have published their new article entitled “On the influence of conventional and automated market makers on market quality in cryptoeconomic systems” in Electronic Markets.

directions_treffen.jpgThe cii research group presents a Catalog of Criteria for Data Protection-Compliant School Information Systems

(08.08.2024) Within the DIRECTIONS (Data Protection Certification for Educational Information Systems) project researchers from the cii research group and the University of Kassel presented a catalog of criteria for a data protection certification to establish higher security for information systems in schools.

bild4.jpgcii New Collaboration with Università degli Studi di Milano (UNIMI)

(29.07.2024) Kathrin Brecker from the cii research group was invited to UNIMI to pursue research on Artificial Intelligence assessment with Professor Claudio A. Ardagna, Professor Marco Anisetti and Dr. Nicola Bena. During her stay she also held a research seminar on AI assessment at the UNIMI computer science department. We are looking forward to the collaboration!

Team Projects 2024_cropped.pngSuccessful Final Event of the Course “Team Projects in Business & Technology” at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology

(17.07.2024) On Wednesday, July 17, the final event of the course “Team Projects Business & Technology” took place in the Tulla building of the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT). This event is organized by the Institute of Information Systems and Marketing (IISM) and deals with interdisciplinary issues in information systems.

sunyaev_last_lecture.jpegLast Lecture "Angewandte Informatik - Internet Computing” of Prof. Dr. Ali Sunyaev and Industry Insights from BMW

(25.07.2024) Prof. Dr. Ali Sunyaev gave his last lecture at KIT by concluding this year’s course “Angewandte Informatik - Internet Computing”. He was joined by Dr. Jens Fähling from BMW who provided insights into success factors when introducing test automation in a transformation project. With that he concluded the AIIC guest speaker series that provided different perspectives on latest internet computing topics and issues.

ACM 2024 accept_cropped.pngNew Article on Distributed Ledger Technology in Healthcare Now Available Online at ACM Health

(23.07.2024) We are pleased to announce that our article, titled "Mapping Distributed Ledger Technology Characteristics to Use Cases in Healthcare: A Structured Literature Review," authored by Shanshan Hu, Manuel Schmidt-Kraepelin, Scott Thiebes, and Ali Sunyaev, has been accepted by ACM Transactions on Computing for Healthcare (ACM Health).

Pic_Allcii at the Hi! PARIS Summer School 2024 in Paris

(18.07.2024) Three members of the cii research group participated in this year’s Hi! PARIS Summer School, held from July 8th to 11th at the HEC Paris.

AIIC Guest Speakers 2024.jpgIndustry Insights from Guest Speakers in this Year’s Course "Angewandte Informatik - Internet Computing"

(02.07.2024) In this year’s cii “Angewandte Informatik - Internet Computing” Guest Speaker Series, two guest speakers provided their insights on current industry trends. The different perspectives on latest internet computing topics and issues included: System Integration and DevOps & Kubernetes.

[1]together_cropped.jpgcii at the European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS) 2024

(25.06.2024) Three members of the cii research group participated in this year’s ECIS, held from June 13th to 19th in Paphos, Cyprus.

BISE SI 2024.pngBISE Special Issue - Reimagining Digital Health (27.05.2024)

(27.05.2024) Ali Sunyaev, Daniel Fürstenau & Elizabeth Davidson published an editorial for their BISE special issue in the topic area "Reimagining Digital Health: Advances in Patient-Centeredness, Artificial Intelligence, and Data-Driven Care Research". The article is available online:

Lecture pictureOn Generative AI in Healthcare – A Recap of Prof. Dr. Gerhard Schwabe’s lecture in the Research Talk Series on Digitalization 2024

(14.05.2024) Prof. Dr. Gerhard Schwabe, Chair of Information Management at the Institute of Informatics at the University of Zurich since 2002, introduced the research groups and interested students in the KD2Lab to his research on “How can doctors and generative AI together help me lose weight?”.

DokSem_2024_1.jpgcii Doctoral Seminar 2024 – Bad Herrenalb – with Prof. Dr. Kalle Lyytinen

(10.05.2024) This year the cii research group again held a doctoral seminar in Bad Herrenalb. For the three-day retreat doctoral students worked together on their current research ideas at the Haus der Kirche Evangelische Akademie Baden, Bad Herrenalb, from May 6th through May 8th. They were joined by Prof. Dr. Kalle Lyytinen who shared his knowledge on various topics throughout the seminar.

NewsMeeting of the AUDITOR project in Karlsruhe

(07.05.2024) On April 26, 2024, the closing event of the research project "European Cloud Service Data Protection Certification" (AUDITOR) took place in Karlsruhe. The research project was led by the cii research group in the role of consortium leader over the project duration of more than 6.5 years.

girlsday_24_cpd.jpgGirls’ Day - Future Prospects for Girls: cii Workshop

(26.04.2024) In contribution to this year’s nationwide “Girls’ Day - Future Prospects for Girls” on the 25th of April 2024, the cii research group conducted the workshop ‘Another cat video?! The science behind recommendations on TikTok & Co.‘ - “ Noch ein Katzenvideo?! Die Wissenschaft hinter Empfehlungen auf TikTok & Co.“ as a part of the overall KIT program.

Trustworthy Internet-based SystemsTrustworthy Internet-based Systems
Digital Health SystemsDigital Health Systems
Decentralized Information SystemsDecentralized Information Systems
ECIS 2024 Logo.pngTwo New Articles Accepted at the European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS) 2024 (15.04.2024)

(15.04.2024) Two papers of the cii research group have been accepted for publication at the 32nd European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS), which will take place in Paphos, Cyprus from 13th-19th June 2024.

Max Disputation Bild1_cropped.jpgCongratulations to Maximilian Renner for his Successful Doctoral Examination

(19.03.2024) On March 19th, 2024, Maximilian Renner successfully defended his Ph.D. thesis! His dissertation is entitled “Revealing Trust Transfer Mechanisms in the Context of Artificial Intelligence”.

WTR Logo_cropped.pngCurrent Research of the cii Group Presented at the Conference of the DFG Priority Program 2267 “Digitalization of Working Worlds”

(13.03.2024) At the Harnack House in Berlin Richard Guse presented the cii research group's current research on digital transformation in healthcare at the conference "Work. Transform? Repeat" of the DFG Priority Program 2267. At the three-day conference from 11.03.2024 to 13.03.2024, current research contributions on the topic of "Digitalization of Working Worlds" were presented and discussed by associated DFG project members and other external researchers.

CHI 2024 accept_cropped.pngTwo Articles Accepted at CHI 2024 (12.03.2024)

(12.03.2024) The critical information infrastructure research group got two papers accepted at the ACM CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems. First, Florian Leiser collaborated with Sven Eckhardt, Valentin Leuthe, Merlin Knaeble, Alexander Maedche, Gerhard Schwabe, and Ali Sunyaev to develop HILL – A Hallucination Identifier for Large Language Models. Second, Jeanine Kirchner-Krath led a collaboration with Manuel Schmidt-Kraepelin, Sofia Schöbel, Mathias Ulrich, Ali Sunyaev and Harald F. O. von Korflesch investigating gamification efforts to overcome procrastination in academia.

Open ScienceNew Article published in the Business & Information Systems Engineering Journal

(07.03.2024) Our article “Open Science: Towards Greater Transparency and Openness in Science” by Alexander Maedche, Edona Elshan, Hartmut Höhle, Christiane Lehrer, Jan Recker, Ali Sunyaev, Benjamin Sturm, and Oliver Werth was published in the Journal „Business & Information Systems Engineering“ (BISE) as a discussion article.

DFG_Logo_Full_HD.pngProfessor Dr. Ali Sunyaev is now Member of the Scientific Council Computer Science of the DFG

(29.02.2024) For the next four years, Professor Dr. Ali Sunyaev will be part of the DFG scientific council for computer science for the subject of data management, data-intensive systems, computer science methods in business informatics. He is thus part of the scientific representation of 49 review boards that decide on DFG funding decisions according to the DFG's own scientific standards and in the spirit of excellence in research, innovation, and the search for knowledge.

Kompetenzz_22159_siegel_gd_wir machen mit_domain.jpgGirls’ Day - Future Prospects for Girls, 25 April 2024: Our cii Workshop is now open for registration!

(23.02.2024) This year’s nationwide Girls’ Day - Future Prospects for Girls - takes place on April 25th, 2024. We are excited to open our doors at the Institute of Applied Informatics and Formal Description Methods (AIFB) for our cii workshop as part of the broader KIT Girls’ Day program. The workshop ‘Another cat video?! The science behind recommendations on TikTok & Co.‘ - “ Noch ein Katzenvideo?! Die Wissenschaft hinter Empfehlungen auf TikTok & Co.“ will be conducted at KIT in Karlsruhe (however, only in the German language).

Gabi is presenting her researchKASTEL Science Slam

(22.01.2024) Gabriela Ciolacu from the cii research group presented her research during the Science Slam for the KASTEL Winter Colloquium.

1707411404060_2.jpgCongratulations to Niclas Kannengießer for his successful doctoral examination

(08.02.2024) On February 8th, 2024, Niclas Kannengießer successfully defended his Ph.D. thesis! His dissertation is entitled “Purposeful Information System Decentralization based on Distributed Ledger Technology”

1707307387774.jpgProf. Dr. Ivo Blohm gave a lecture in the Research Talk Series on Digitalization 2024

(07.02.2024) Prof. Dr. Ivo Blohm, Director of the Information Systems Institute, University of St. Gallen (IWI-HSG) introduced the research groups and interested students in the Triangel Studio to his research on “Hybrid Creativity: How Artificial Intelligence Can Defy or Reinforce Human Creative Performance”.

GI_Logo_cropped.pngProf. Dr. Ali Sunyaev was elected to the Member Board of Directors at German Informatics Society (GI)

(05.02.2024) Prof. Dr. Ali Sunyaev is now part of the Member Board of Directors at German Informatics Society (GI). He will represent the interests of information systems and computer scientists in science, business, public administration, society, and politics on behalf of around 20,000 members.

Newsmeldung_ET24.pngEmerging Trends: Seminar Registration Open for Summer Term 2024

(02.02.2024) The registration for the Emerging Trends in Internet Technologies (Bachelor / Master) for the summer term 2024 is online.

KD2 Lab.pngProf. Dr. Ali Sunyaev is now Member of the KD²Lab

(01.02.2024) The Karlsruhe Decision & Design Lab (KD²Lab) welcomed Prof. Dr. Ali Sunyaev, director of the Institute of Applied Informatics and Formal Description Methods (AIFB) and head of the critical information infrastructures (cii), as a new member.

Kalle_cropped.jpgProf. Kalle Lyytinen is awarded the International Excellence Fellowship of KIT

(18.01.2024) The Executive Board of KIT has awarded Prof. Kalle Lyytinen ( from Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, Ohio, USA with the International Excellence Fellowship of KIT.

hicss57_banner_cropped.jpegPapers Presented at the Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS’24)

(12.01.2024) Manuel Schmidt-Kraepelin and Philipp Toussaint from the cii research group presented two papers at the Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS). The conference took place on O‘ahu, Hawaii, from January 3-6, 2024.

IuMModel_cropped.pngOur article on the perception and consequences of IS certifications was published in the renowned journal "Information & Management"!

(11.01.2024) Our article "Why So Skeptical? Investigating the Emergence and Consequences of Consumer Skepticism toward Web Seals" by Sebastian Lins, Malte Greulich, Julian Löbbers, Alexander Benlian, and Ali Sunyaev was published by the journal "Information & Management".

ISR Paper Accept.pngOur Article on Organizational Security Practices is now Online Available at Information Systems Research (ISR)!

(11.01.2024) The article “Exploring Contrasting Effects of Trust in Organizational Security Practices and Protective Structures on Employees’ Security-Related Precaution Taking” by Malte Greulich, Sebastian Lins, Dan Pienta, Jason Thatcher and Ali Sunyaev is published in the prestigious journal Information Systems Research and now online available (Open-Access).

AnnualReport2023_cover.pngAnnual Report 2023 of the Critical Information Infrastructures Research Group Published

(09.01.2024) The annual report includes many of the highlights from 2023, including information on publications, lectures and research projects.

cii Xmas Card 2023_cropped.jpgCheerful Holidays and Best Wishes for a Happy New Year!

(21.12.2023) The cii research group would like to say thank you for a wonderful year at KIT. Cheerful Holiday Greetings and Best Wishes for a Happy New Year 2024!

Yanick Award_cropped.jpgFujitsu NEXT „IT Innovation“ Award 2023 for an Outstanding Master's Thesis Awarded to KIT Master Graduate and cii Research Group Member Yannick Erb

(20.12.2023) KIT master’s graduate and current Ph.D. candidate, M. Sc. Yannick Erb, was awarded the Fujitsu NEXT “IT Innovation” Award 2023 for his master’s thesis titled “From Affordances to Business Value – How Can Organizations Use Fog Computing to Create Business Value?”.

AI Methods Bioinformatics Paper.jpegNew Article published in Briefings in Bioinformatics

(19.12.2023) Our publication "Explainable artificial intelligence for omics data: a systematic mapping study" by Philipp A Toussaint, Florian Leiser, Scott Thiebes, Matthias Schlesner, Benedikt Brors, and Ali Sunyaev is now available as an open-access publication in Briefings in Bioinformatics.

News DNA Picture.jpegCii’s Genetic Privacy Research Featured on Heise Online

(18.12.2023) Our news article on “Genetic Data: Why sharing is such a dilemma” by Scott Thiebes and Ali Sunyaev has been published by Heise Online. With more than 20 million monthly readers, Heise Online is one of Germany’s leading tech news websites.

Hyderabad2_cropped.jpgPapers Presented at the International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS) 2023 and Workshop on Information Technologies and Systems (WITS) 2023

(15.12.2023) Kathrin Brecker from the cii research group presented papers at the International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS) 2023 and Workshop on Information Technologies and Systems (WITS) 2023. The conferences took place in Hyderabad, India, from December 10-15, 2023.

cii Team Photo 2023 Christmas Party_cropped.jpgcii Christmas Celebration 2023

(15.12.2023) For this year’s Christmas celebration the cii research group went to Badisch Brauhaus Karlsruhe to have dinner together. After a brief joint activity of blindfolded decorating Christmas cookies, the cii research group went to the Christmas market and parted ways as the day drew to a close.

gdd_award_ST_2.jpgDr. Scott Thiebes was awarded this year’s dissertation award by the German Association for Data Protection and Data Security (GDD)

(13.12.2023) Scott Thiebes was awarded this year’s dissertation award in the area IT security by the German Association for Data Protection and Data Security (GDD) for his outstanding dissertation on “A Socio-Technical Analysis of Genetic Privacy and its Role in Genetic Data Sharing”, which he completed at KIT last year. The award ceremony took place during GDD’s 46th Data Privacy Conference (DAFTA), this November in Cologne.

Research Talk Series 2024Research Talk Series on Digitalization 2024

(11.12.2023) Starting on February 6th 2024 a recurring series of research talks on digitalization with internationally renowned scholars is hosted in the Triangle space. Together with the Institute of Applied Informatics and Formal Description Methods (AIFB), the Institute of Information Systems and Marketing (IISM) and the Karlsruhe Service Research Institute (KSRI) we would like you to invite you to the upcoming talks!

ICIS Best Paper NomintationBest Paper Nomination @ International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS) 2023

(29.11.2023) The paper “Artificial Intelligence as a Service: Trade-Offs Impacting Service Design and Selection” by Kathrin Brecker, Sebastian Lins, Manuel Trenz, & Ali Sunyaev has been nominated for the Best Paper Award at the International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS) 2023.

HICSS_Best_Paper_Nomination.pngBest Paper Nomination @ HICSS-57

(31.10.2023) The paper „Designing Gamification Concepts for Expert Explainable Artificial Intelligence Evaluation Tasks: A Problem Space Exploration” by Philipp Toussaint, Simon Warsinsky, Manuel Schmidt-Kraepelin, Scott Thiebes, & Ali Sunyaev has been nominated for the Best Paper Award at HICSS-57.

The enterprise information systems decentralization iceberg needs to be explored in more detail beyond the surfaceNew article published in Business & Information Systems Engineering

(30.10.2023) Our article "The future of enterprise information systems" has now been published in Business & Information Systems Engineering.

SL Visiting Scholar in Kassel_cropped.jpgSebastian Lins started his visiting professorship at the University of Kassel

(19.10.2023) Sebastian holds a visiting professorship in the current winter semester and takes over the lecture “Business Information Systems Analysis and Design” from Prof. Dr. Matthias Söllner.

AIiM Article.pngNew Article published in Artificial Intelligence in Medicine

(19.10.2023) Our publication "Medical informed machine learning: A scoping review and future research directions" by Florian Leiser, Sascha Rank, Manuel Schmidt-Kraepelin, Scott Thiebes, and Ali Sunyaev is now available in Artificial Intelligence in Medicine.

Prof Sunyaev presents his lectureProf. Dr. Sunyaev gave a Talk on Informed Machine Learning during the KIT Welcome Week 2023

(18.10.2023) On 16.10.2023, the welcome week of the KIT department of economics and management took place. As always, Prof. Dr. Ali Sunyaev had the chance to welcome the approximately 600 new first-year students of the industrial engineering and management study program at KIT.

All Professors and Konstatin after his successful DefenseCongratulations to Konstantin Pandl for his successful doctoral examination

(11.10.2023) On October 10th, 2023, Konstantin Pandl successfully defended his Ph.D. thesis! His dissertation is entitled “Trustworthy Decentralized Machine Learning Systems“.

Archetypes_croppedNew Publication “A Design Toolbox for the Development of Collaborative Distributed Machine Learning Systems”

(04.10.2023) Our publication "A Design Toolbox for the Development of Collaborative Distributed Machine Learning Systems" by David Jin, Niclas Kannengießer, Sascha Rank, and Ali Sunyaev is now available on arXiv.

Image Accountable AI MeetingMeeting of TU Darmstadt & KIT for the DFG project on "Accountable Artificial Intelligence-based Systems”

(04.10.2023) On September 25th, 2023, we welcomed our guests from TU Darmstadt in Karlsruhe to discuss the current status and future directions of the joint DFG project on “Accountable Artificial Intelligence-based Systems”.

News_Daniel_ArXivNew Publication “How Automated Market Makers Approach the Thin Market Problem in Cryptoeconomic Systems“

(04.10.2023) Daniel Kirste, Niclas Kannengießer, Ricky Lamberty, and Ali Sunyaev have published their new contribution entitled “How Automated Market Makers Approach the Thin Market Problem in Cryptoeconomic Systems” on arXiv.

WI_23Paper Presentation and Participation at 18. Internationale Tagung Wirtschaftsinformatik in Paderborn

(28.09.2023) The cii research group presented the work “Aggregating Random Forests in Federated Learning: A Synthesis of Aggregation Techniques” at the largest German IS conference where Prof. Dr. Ali Sunyaev and Florian Leiser participated from September 18-21, 2023, in Paderborn, Germany.

hicssnews_cropped.pngTwo papers accepted at the Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS) 2024

(27.09.2023) Two papers of the cii research group have been accepted for publication at the 57th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS), which will take place in O’ahu, Hawaii in January 3-6, 2024.

cii student papers 2023cii Student Papers – 2023 collection published

(26.09.2023) The cii Student Papers - 2023 collection is published. For the third time the cii research group proudly presents five outstanding student seminar papers. It is freely available online via KITOpen:

Bachlor and Master thesis award unsplash.jpgJust Finished your Bachelor or Master Thesis? Submit it now to the Fujitsu NEXT Awards "IT INNOVATION"!

(14.09.2023) The cii research group supports the Fujitsu NEXT Awards "IT INNOVATION" 2023, where one outstanding bachelor and master thesis each will be awarded. In addition, the respective thesis will be published in cooperation with BISE Student. Applications are possible until October 31, 2023.

MuC-Besuch FL.jpgNew article presented at Mensch und Computer Conference and published in the Proceedings

(06.09.2023) At the largest European human-computer-interaction conference, Florian Leiser presented our paper “From ChatGPT to FactGPT: A Participatory Design Study to Mitigate the Effects of Large Language Model Hallucinations on Users” in Rapperswil, Switzerland.

ISR BildOur Article on Organizational Security Practices is Accepted at Information Systems Research (ISR)!

(05.09.2023) The article “Exploring Contrasting Effects of Trust in Organizational Security Practices and Protective Structures on Employees’ Security-Related Precaution Taking” by Malte Greulich, Sebastian Lins, Daniel Pienta, Jason Thatcher and Ali Sunyaev is accepted for publication in the prestigious journal Information Systems Research.

FLAIROP Press Release.jpgResearch Project FLAIROP Press Release - Smart Picking Robots Collaborate for Better Grasping

(28.08.2023) In the research project FLAIROP researchers at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), with the participation of the Critical Information Infrastructures research group, have worked with partners to develop ways of learning together without having to share sensitive data and company secrets.

ALTCII: Course registration now open for winter term 2023/24

(21.08.2023) The registration for the course Critical Information Infrastructures for the winter term 2023/24 is now online.

Human-Centered Design for Data-SparseNew Book Chapter “Human-Centered Design for Data-Sparse Tailored Privacy Information Provision“ Published

(18.08.2023) Mandy Goram, Tobias Dehling, Felix Morsbach, and Ali Sunyaev published a new book chapter entitled “Human-Centered Design for Data-Sparse Tailored Privacy Information Provision” in the book “Human Factors in Privacy Research”.

AI PicDFG approves follow-up proposal for our project "Accountable Artificial Intelligence-based Systems”

(15.08.2023) The German Research Foundation (DFG) has approved our follow-up proposal to continue joint research with Prof. Alexander Benlian in the topic area of Accountable AI for another 24 months.

Design Theory PublisheOur article "A Design Theory for Certification Presentations" is now published!

(07.08.2023) The article "A Design Theory for Certification Presentations" by Sebastian Lins, Jan-Michael Becker, Kalle Lyytinen, and Ali Sunyaev has been published in the journal ACM SIGMIS Database: the DATABASE for Advances in Information Systems.

FLAIROP 2023 Gruppenbild_croppedFinal Event of FLAIROP Project in Esslingen

(05.08.2023) On July 27, 2023, we held the final presentation for the FLAIROP project in Esslingen at the site of Festo SE. In the presence of the German funding agency, the German-Canadian project collaborators demonstrated the benefits of federated learning in robot bin picking cells.

NephroCage 2023 GruppenbildFinal Event of NephroCAGE Project in Montreal

(05.08.2023) On August 1st and 2nd, 2023, we concluded the NephroCAGE project in Montreal, Canada hosted by our project partners at the McGill University Health Center (MUHC) and Le Centre Hospitalier de l’Université de Montréal (CHUM).

Keynote Koblenz 2023Prof. Dr. Ali Sunyaev Held a Keynote at the Evening Event of the Summer School #Data2Health in Koblenz

(03.08.2023) On 19th July 2023 Prof. Dr. Ali Sunyaev held a keynote speech titled “Unleashing the Power of Medical Expertise for Machine Learning in Healthcare” at the Evening Event of the Summer School #Data2Health in Koblenz.

JAIS accept.pngNew article “The Contingent Effects of IS Certifications on the Trustworthiness of Websites” accepted at JAIS

(01.08.2023) The article “The Contingent Effects of IS Certifications on the Trustworthiness of Websites” by Martin Adam, Sebastian Lins, Ali Sunyaev, and Alexander Benlian has been accepted for publication at the Journal of the Association for Information Systems (JAIS).

PANDIA Abschlusstreffen Final event of the PANDIA project in Oldenburg

(21.07.2023) From July 18-19, 2023, the final event of our PANDIA project took place at OFFIS in Oldenburg, attended by representatives of all consortium partners and the project execution agency VDI/VDE.

NeuroIS RetreatNew article presented at NeuroIS Retreat and published in the Proceedings NeuroIS Retreat 2023

(17.07.2023) Florian Leiser had the pleasure to present our paper "How Experts Rely on Intuition in Medical Image Annotation - A Study Proposal" he jointly worked on with Simon Warsinsky, Manuel Schmidt-Kraepelin, Scott Thiebes, and Ali Sunyaev at NeuroIS Retreat 2023. The retreat was held in Vienna from May 30 to June 01, 2023.

AIIC Guest Lecture IMGIndustry Insights from Esteemed Guest Speakers in this year’s course "Angewandte Informatik - Internet Computing"

(11.07.2023) In this year’s cii “Angewandte Informatik - Internet Computing” Guest Speaker Series, three Guest Speakers provided their insights on current industry trends. The different perspectives on latest internet computing topics and issues included: System Integration, DevOps & Kubernetes, and AI solutions for digital transformation.

42New article "A Design Theory for Transparency of Information Privacy Practices" accepted at ISR.

(06.07.2023) The article "A Design Theory for Transparency of Information Privacy Practices" by Tobias Dehling and Ali Sunyaev has been accepted for publication at Information Systems Research.

SI ManuelNew Special Issue on Adaptive and Intelligent Gamification Design in AIS Transactions on Human-Computer Interaction

(04.07.2023) Together with Andreas Janson and Sofia Schöbel, Manuel Schmidt-Kraepelin and Ali Sunyaev have served as special issue editors for a new special issue adaptive and intelligent gamification design, which has been published in AIS Transactions on Human-Computer Interaction. The special issue comprises three papers that deal with the phenomenon from various perspectives.

DokSem all 2023cii Doctoral Seminar 2023 – Bad Herrenalb

(03.07.2023) Like every year, the cii research group held a doctoral seminar in 2023. The three-day retreat was held at the Haus der Kirche Evangelische Akademie Baden, Bad Herrenalb, from June 28th through June 30th.

Preisverleihung FotoDr. Scott Thiebes was awarded this year’s science award for computer science from the KIT Department of Economics and Management.

(22.06.2023) Scott was awarded this year’s science award for computer science from the KIT Department of Economics and Management for his outstanding dissertation on “A Socio-Technical Analysis of Genetic Privacy and its Role in Genetic Data Sharing”, which he completed at KIT last year.

BloG3_Abschluss_2023BloG3 Final Event 2023

(06.06.2023) At the end of the BloG3 project, all consortium partners came together once again for the hybrid (partial) final event at the FZI in the House of Living Labs. For the successful conclusion the results of all work packages of the individual consortium partners were presented.

cii 2023 summer trip.pngcii Summer Excursion 2023

(30.05.2023) This year's summer excursion of the cii research group went under blue sky and sunshine on 04. May 2023 to a guided tour and wine tasting to the state winery Kalrsruhe-Durlach followed by a common dinner.

Gruppenbild DIRECTIONSResearch Project DIRECTIONS’ Expert Advisory Board Meeting at the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) in Berlin

(10.05.2023) The DIRECTIONS (Data Protection Certification for Educational Information Systems) expert advisory board meeting was held at the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) in Berlin on the 10th of May 2023. The projects’ current status as well as next steps for the piloting phase were discussed.

DLT Dec mobility_croppedNew Book Chapter “Leveraging Distributed Ledger Technology for Decentralized Mobility-as-a-Service Ticket Systems“ Published

(09.05.2023) Marc Leinweber, Niclas Kannengießer, Hannes Hartenstein, and Ali Sunyaev published a new book chapter entitled “Leveraging Distributed Ledger Technology for Decentralized Mobility-as-a-Service Ticket Systems” in the book “Towards the New Normal in Mobility”.

Defense Manuel Congratulations to Manuel Schmidt-Kraepelin for his successful doctoral examination

(03.05.2023) On May 3rd, 2023, Manuel Schmidt-Kraepelin successfully defended his Ph.D. thesis! His dissertation is entitled “Gamified Information Systems for Health Behavior Change“

CHI 2023Late-Breaking Work Presented at the ACM CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI 2023)

(02.05.2023) Manuel Schmidt-Kraepelin presented the Late-Breaking Work paper "Narrative Transportation in Gamified Information Systems: The Role of Narrative-Task Congruence" at the ACM CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI 2023). The conference took place in Hamburg, Germany, from April 23 – 29, 2023.

Girlsday Girls’ Day - Future Prospects for Girls: Become a Scientist and Shape the Future

(27.04.2023) In contribution to this year’s nationwide “Girls’ Day - Future Prospects for Girls” on the 27th of April 2023, the cii research group conducted the workshop ‘Become a Scientist and Shape the Future – An Introduction to our Research Projects & Your Opportunities‘ - “Als Wissenschaftlerin die Zukunft gestalten – Wir zeigen dir unsere Forschungsprojekte & deine Möglichkeiten“ as a part of the overall KIT program.

MuK newsProf. Dr. Ali Sunyaev was interviewed about the topic of IT security in the field of networked medical devices in the current issue of the journal „Management & Krankenhaus“

(01.05.2023) In the current issue of the journal " Management & Krankenhaus", in an interview Prof. Dr. Ali Sunyaev explains the current state of IT security of networked devices in medical technology in the article titled "Security is not a checkbox that can be ticked off".

CFP JITCall for Papers for the Special Issue “Decentralised Information Systems: New Thinking and New Paradigms“ of the Journal of Information Technology

(27.04.2023) Driven by technological advancements such as blockchain technology, the decentralization of information systems has gained enormous importance in recent years. Nonetheless, the actual impact of current decentralization endeavors on future information systems is still unclear.

DAAD newsExclusive Internships at Arizona State University in 2023

(17.04.2023) Prof. Ali Sunyaev from the Critical Information Infrastructure Research Group at the Institute of Applied Informatics and Formal Description Methods (AIFB) ( is offering a research internship in cooperation with Prof. Dr. Julian Lehmann at the Arizona State University. Master students from the KIT can apply until May 15th, 2023, for an internship.

JMIS New Article on Multiorganizational, Multistakeholder Collaboration in Healthcare published in the Journal of Management Information Systems (JMIS)

(03.04.2023) Our paper “Design Concerns for Multiorganizational, Multistakeholder Collaboration: A Study in the Healthcare Industry” by Scott Thiebes, Fangjian Gao, Robert O. Briggs, Manuel Schmidt-Kraepelin, and Ali Sunyaev has just been published in the Journal of Management Information Systems.

Blockchain Dialog Bild BWFinal results of the digilog@bw “Blockchain for Open Knowledge“ project presented

(31.03.2023) Concluding the three-year research project digilog@bw, a selected number of research outcomes have now been presented in a compact video format. The cii research group, represented by Dr. Benjamin Sturm, showcased the results of a subproject that aimed at better understanding the design of blockchain-based systems to support the open knowledge dissemination.

ReDiBlock ReDiBlock Research Project Successfully Develops Blockchain-based Prototype for Circular Economy

(28.03.2023) The ReDiBlock research project, which involves KIT AIFB, KIT Thinktank, INEC, and ipoint-systems GmbH, has successfully developed a prototype application supporting circular economy using Blockchain technology. The project's use case is focused on gold recycling, with two industry partners, C. Hafner and egf, providing valuable insights and help in refining the concept behind the prototype. The internal project closing meeting, hosted by INEC at Pforzheim University, was attended by the project partners and marked the successful completion of the project.

GInewsThe GI Digital Health special interest group has published an article entitled "App auf Rezept" (App on prescription) in the GI Radar of the Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V. (GI)

(28.03.2023) Together with Rüdiger Breitschwerdt, Daniel Fürstenau, Martin Gersch, Emily Hickmann, Maren Kählig, Wolfgang Maaß, Melanie Reuter-Oppermann, Peggy Richter, Hannes Schlieter, Christian Thielscher, and Lena Wiese, Ali Sunyaev published the article "App auf Rezept".

chi_2023_logoNew Late-Breaking Work paper accepted at the ACM CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI 2023)

The Late-Breaking Work paper "Narrative Transportation in Gamified Information Systems: The Role of Narrative-Task Congruence" by Manuel Schmidt-Kraepelin, Scott Thiebes, Simon Warsinsky, Stacie Petter, and Ali Sunyaev has been accepted at the ACM CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI 2023) and will be presented by Manuel Schmidt-Kraepelin on April 26th in Hamburg, Germany.

Jahresbericht_2022Annual report 2022 of the Critical Information Infrastructures research group published

(16.03.2023) The annual report includes many of the highlights from 2022, including information on publications, lectures and research projects.

Newsmeldung_Tim Raedsch.pngAnton Fink Science Prize for Artificial Intelligence Awarded to KIT Master Graduate

(09.03.2023) KIT master's graduate, M. Sc. Tim Rädsch, was awarded for his master's thesis titled "The Quest for High Quality Annotations. Quantifying the Impact of Labeling Instructions on Real-World Data" with the Anton Fink Science Award for Artificial Intelligence.

KICamp23Prof. Dr. Ali Sunyaev elected as jury member for the KI Newcomers 2023

(08.03.2023) Every year, the KI-Camp of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) and the German Informatics Society (Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V.) select ten AI newcomers from Germany. For the KI Newcomers 2023, Prof. Dr. Ali Sunyaev is invited as a jury member.

Job Description PhDOpen Positions in the Area of Accountable Artificial Intelligence!

(02.02.2023) Are you interested in exploring research on Artificial Intelligence (AI), how accountability of AI is achieved, and how people perceive mechanisms that ensure accountability? Then apply now for a position as a research assistant at the cii research group at KIT!

gd_wir machen mitGirls’ Day - Future Prospects for Girls, 27 April 2023: Our cii Workshop is now open for registration!

(27.01.2023) This year’s nationwide Girls’ Day - Future Prospects for Girls - takes place on the 27th of April 2023. We are looking forward to opening our doors at the institute of applied informatics and formal description methods (AIFB) for our cii workshop as a part of the broader KIT Girls’ Day program.

BISE StudentBISE Student - Highlighting the Value of Student Theses

(19.01.2023) Ali Sunyaev, Christof Weinhardt, Wil van der Aalst & Oliver Hinz published an editorial about “BISE Student” in Business & Information Systems Engineering. The article is available online via open access:

Open positions PictureWe are looking for Tutors and Student Assistants to join our Team in the Research Area critical information infrastructures (cii)

(11.01.2023) The cii research group offers various positions for students to work in current research projects and tutor fellow students to support current lectures. Apply now and join our team!

HICSS_2023Papers Presented at the Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS’23)

(06.01.2023) Kathrin Brecker, Shanshan Hu, Florian Leiser, and Maximilian Renner from the cii research group presented papers at the Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS). The conference took place in Maui, Hawaii, from January 4-6, 2023.

attack categories illustrationNew Article on Vehicular Fog Computing published in IEEE Access

(30.12.2022) Our paper “A Threat Model for Vehicular Fog Computing” by Timo Klein, Anett Katzenbach, Tanja Fenn, Heiner Teigeler, Sebastian Lins, and Ali Sunyaev has been published in the journal IEEE Access. The article is published with open access and freely available to the public.

PostcardCheerful Holidays and Best Wishes for a Happy New Year!

(30.12.2022) The cii research group would like to say thank you for a wonderful year at KIT. Cheerful Holiday Greetings and Best Wishes for a Happy New Year 2023!

Sebastian Lins is awardedDr. Sebastian Lins was awarded the prestigious “ACM SIGMIS Doctoral Dissertation Award”

(16.12.2022) Beginning in 1992, the ACM SIGMIS Doctoral Dissertation Award has been awarded annually to outstanding MIS dissertation ( At the International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS) it has been announced that Sebastian Lins has been awarded the ACM SIGMIS Doctoral Dissertation Award in 2022.

Richard Guses presentationPaper presented at the International Conference on Information Systems in Copenhagen (ICIS’22)

(16.12.2022) Richard Guse from the cii research group presented a paper at the International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS). The conference took place in Copenhagen from December 11-14, 2021. The paper “How Do Employees Perceive Digital Transformation and its Effects? A Theory of the Smart Machine Perspective” was co-authored by Scott Thiebes, Phil Hennel, Christoph Rosenkranz, and Ali Sunyaev.

GuteLehreResearch group cii receives a certificate for good education

(25.11.2022) For the tutorial of the course " Angewandte Informatik - Internet Computing" of Prof. Dr. Ali Sunyaev, the research group cii receives the certificate for good education in the summer term of 2021.

AIIC SlidesLecture materials on "Internet Computing" now publicly available!

(21.11.22) The cii has published its lecture slides and exercises for the lecture Applied Informatics — Internet Computing; the materials are thus also available to people outside KIT.

TIE SunyaevProf. Sunyaev Held a Keynote at the Technology, Innovation and Entrepreneurship (TIE) Scientific Commission Conference 2022

(17.11.22) On 8th September 2022 Prof. Sunyaev held a keynote titled „ First, it comes differently, and secondly than you think” at the Technology, Innovation and Entrepreneurship (TIE) scientific commission conference 2022. Other prominent keynote speaker at the TIE scientific commission conference included Prof. Dietmar Harhoff (Director at the Max Planck Institute for Innovation and Entrepreneurship).

Data MarketplacesNew Article on Data marketplaces for AI in Healthcare published in HMD Praxis der Wirtschaftsinformatik

(10.11.2022) Our paper “Data marketplaces for AI in Healthcare: Potentials, Challenges, and Management Strategies” by Richard Guse, Scott Thiebes, Phil Hennel, Christoph Rosenkranz, and Ali Sunyaev has been published in the Journal HMD Praxis der Wirtschaftsinformatik. The article is published with open access and freely available to the public.

Project MeetingProject Status Workshop “ISH: Intelligent Security Handwerk”

(04.11.22) Exactly one year after the project kick-off in Kassel, the first status workshop of the research project "ISH: Intelligent Security Handwerk" took place in Karlsruhe on October 26.

ICIS 2022New Article on how Employees Perceive Digital Transformation and its Effects Accepted at the International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS) 2022

(24.10.2022) Our paper “How Do Employees Perceive Digital Transformation and its Effects? A Theory of the Smart Machine Perspective” by Richard Guse, Scott Thiebes, Phil Hennel, Christoph Rosenkranz, and Ali Sunyaev has been accepted at the International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS). The preprint is freely available online via KITOpen:

Vorstellung_KIT_Welcome_WeekProf. Dr. Sunyaev gave a Talk on Federated Learning during the KIT Welcome Week 2022

(24.10.2022) On 17.10.2022, the welcome week of the KIT department of economics and management took place. Prof. Dr. Ali Sunyaev had the chance to welcome the approximately 600 new first-year students of the industrial engineering and management study program at KIT.

Ali Sunyaev in DortmundTU Dortmund University invites Prof. Dr. Ali Sunyaev as a distinguished speaker for 50-year celebration

(20.10.2022) Following the invitation by Prof. Dr. Christian Janiesch, Enterprise Computing, TU Dortmund, Prof. Dr. Ali Sunyaev visits TU Dortmund University on October 18th.

InternshipExclusive Internships at Arizona State University, Phoenix in 2023

(19.10.2022) Prof. Ali Sunyaev from the Critical Information Infrastructure Research Group at the Institute of Applied Informatics and Formal Description Methods (AIFB) ( is offering a research internship in cooperation with Prof. Dr. Julian Lehmann at the Arizona State University. Bachelor students from the KIT can apply until November 9th, 2022 for an internship.

DIRECTIONS presentation pictureResearch Project DIRECTIONS Presenting at ‘Forum Privatheit’ Annual Conference 2022

(18.10.2022) The annual conference ‘Forum Privatheit’ took place on the 13th and 14th of October 2022. This years’ conference theme was defined as ‘Data Fairness in a Globalized World – Fundamental Rights Protection and Competition for an International Data Governance” (original.: „Daten-Fairness in einer globalisierten Welt – Grundrechtsschutz und Wettbewerb für eine internationale Data Governance“).

Key note MunichProf. Sunyaev held a keynote at the Open Source Automation Days (OSAD) 2022 in Munich

(10.10.2022) On October 04, 2022, Prof. Sunyaev opened the Open Source Automation Days in Munich with his keynote.

DTCNew Article on Direct-to-Consumer Genetic Testing on Social Media published in JMIR Infodemiology Journal

(15.09.2022) Our paper “Direct-to-Consumer Genetic Testing on Social Media: Topic Modeling and Sentiment Analysis of YouTube Users' Comments” by Philipp A. Toussaint, Maximilian Renner, Sebastian Lins, Scott Thiebes, and Ali Sunyaev has been published in the JMIR Infodemiology Journal. The article is published with open access and freely available to the public.

HICSS 2023Four papers accepted at the Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS) 2023

(13.09.2022) Four papers of the cii research group have been accepted for publication at the 56th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS), which will take place in Maui, Hawaii in January 3-6, 2023.

Sebastian Lins stell DIRECTIONS vorDr. Sebastian Lins presented the DIRECTIONS research project to State Secretary Sandra Boser

(09.09.2022) On September 7, 2022, State Secretary Sandra Boser visited the KIT and gained exciting insights into three selected KIT research projects.

BandT PaperNew article on the design of IS certifications published in the journal Behaviour & Information Technology

(02.09.2022) Our paper “Advancing the Presentation of IS Certifications: Theory-driven Guidelines for Designing Peripheral Cues to Increase Users’ Trust Perceptions” by Sebastian Lins and Ali Sunyaev has been published in the journal Behaviour & Information Technology.

Call for Papers BISEBISE Call for Papers - Reimagining Digital Health

(25.08.2022) Ali Sunyaev, Daniel Fürstenau & Elizabeth Davidson published a call for papers in the topic area "Reimagining Digital Health: Advances in Patient-Centeredness, Artificial Intelligence, and Data-Driven Care Research". The article is available online:

Token Economy PictureNew book chapter on token economy published

(23.08.2022) The chapter „Finding the Right Balance: Technical and Political Decentralization in the Token Economy“ by Michelle Pfister, Niclas Kannengießer, and Ali Sunyaev was published in the book „Blockchains and the Token Economy: Theory and Practice“.

cii Student Paperscii Student Papers – 2022 collection published

(22.08.2022) The cii Student Papers - 2022 collection is published. For the second time the cii research group proudly presents eight outstanding student seminar papers. It is freely available online via KITOpen:

Bayer dc22Digital Campus Challenge 2022 – Bayer invites Students to Sign up until November 6th

(02.08.2022) If you are a student at KIT or another university, Bayer invites you to participate and submit your ideas on how digital technologies can be used in healthcare. Take the opportunity to get noticed: Bayer may offer to purchase your invention!

cii-retreat-groupcii Doctoral Seminar 2022 – Bad Herrenalb

(01.08.2022) After a more than two-year pause, the cii research group once again held a doctoral seminar in 2022. The three-day retreat was held at the Haus der Kirche Evangelische Akademie Baden, Bad Herrenalb from July 27th through July 29th.

BloG3 Sommer Meetup PictureResearch Project BloG3 Summer Meet-up 2022

(21.07.2022) The BloG3 summer meet-up took place on the 05th and 06th of July 2022 in Berlin. The consortium of BloG3 gathered to present the progress within the ongoing work packages to the project executing organization VDI/VDE – Innovation + Technology GmbH on behalf of Germany’s Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF). As the final year of the project has begun, the next steps regarding the development and evaluation of the BloG3 system were set for the final sprint.

Paper published in Electronic MarketsNew article on perceived fairness of direct-to-consumer genetic testing business models published in Electronic Markets journal

(19.07.2022) Our paper “Perceived fairness of direct-to-consumer genetic testing business models” by Philipp A. Toussaint, Scott Thiebes, Manuel Schmidt-Kraepelin, and Ali Sunyaev has been published in the Electronic Markets Journal. The article is published with open access and freely available to the public.

jasonJason Bennett Thatcher (Prof. at Temple University, USA) visits KIT

(14.07.2022) "Standing on the shoulders of giants" - Renowned IS researcher Prof. Jason Bennett Thatcher from Temple University, USA, visits the KIT for a three-day research stay.

news12072022New Paper Published and Presented at the 14th Wissenschaftsforum Mobilität

(12.07.2022) Marc Leinweber, Niclas Kannengießer, Hannes Hartenstein and Ali Sunyaev have published and presented a new paper at the 14th Wissenschaftsforum Mobilität. The paper can already be found here and will be published in the next months in the book "Toward the New Normal".

cbiNew Articles published at 2022 IEEE International Conference on Business Informatics

(07.07.2022) We published our articles "Understanding Interdependencies among Fog System Characteristics" by Maximilian Blume, Sebastian Lins, and Ali Sunyaev and "Toward a Unified Framework for Information Systems Certification Internalization" by Philipp Danylak, Sebastian Lins, Malte Greulich, and Ali Sunyaev at the 2022 IEEE International Conference on Business Informatics.

directionsResearch Project DIRECTIONS Presenting at DigitalPakt Schule Statuskonferenz 2022

(27.06.2022) The first status conference on ‘DigitalPakt Schule’ took place on the 23rd and 24th of June 2022. Research project DIRECTIONS (Data Protection Certification for Educational Information Systems) presented at the World Conference Center Bonn, showing the projects’ current state on “Data Protection Certifications to Facilitate Digital Tool Selection”.

news15062022_picFourth "cii Blockchain Hackathon"

(15.06.2022) From 01.09.2022-19.10.2022, we offer students of KIT the opportunity to design and implement Blockchain-based solutions for current challenges in practice. Get exciting insights into the potentials of blockchain by discussing the use of blockchain in different fields together with industry partners. This semester, interesting topics to work on will be presented by onino GmbH, the Center for Art and Media Karlsruhe (ZKM), and EXXETA AG. Get in touch with blockchain experts from the field during the hackathon and develop blockchain applications for a decentralized future together. 

Scott Thiebes PhD ThesisCongratulations to Scott Thiebes for his successful doctoral examination

(01.06.2022) On May 24th, 2022, Scott Thiebes successfully defended his Ph.D. thesis! His dissertation is entitled “A Socio-Technical Analysis of Genetic Privacy and its Role in Genetic Data Sharing“.

DESRIST 2022 Teaser ImageNew Article accepted at 17th International Conference on Design Science Research in Information Systems and Technology (DESRIST 2022)

(29.05.2022) Our paper "Gamified Expert Annotation Systems: Meta-Requirements and Tentative Design" by Simon Warsinsky, Manuel Schmidt-Kraepelin, Scott Thiebes, Martin Wagner and Ali Sunyaev has been accepted at the 17th International Conference on Design Science Research in Information Systems and Technology (DESRIST 2022) and is now available online.

DLT in GenomicsNew article on DLT in Genomics published in the Journal of the American Medical Informatics association

(21.05.2022) Our paper “A scoping review of distributed ledger technology in genomics: thematic analysis and directions for future research” by Mikael Beyene, Philipp A. Toussaint, Scott Thiebes, Matthias Schlesner, Benedikt Brors, and Ali Sunyaev has been published by the Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association. The article is published open access and freely available to the public.

cloud_expoAUDITOR research project at Cloud Expo Europe Frankfurt 2022

(20.05.2022) This year's Cloud Expo Europe took place in Frankfurt on 11 and 12 May 2022. The event took place in conjunction with the BIG DATA & AI WORLD and Data Centre World events at the Frankfurt exhibition centre. The AUDITOR consortium was represented with its own information stand to inform interested visitors about the current progress of the research project. This made it possible to establish further interesting contacts from research and industry.

NewsCongratulations to Malte Greulich for his successful doctoral examination

On May 18th, 2022, Malte Greulich successfully defended his Ph.D. thesis! His dissertation is entitled “Unveiling Adverse Effects of Organizational Information Security Practices“.

GI-LogoProf. Sunyaev appointed as spokesperson of Department of Information Systems of the German Informatics Society

(01.05.2022) Prof. Dr. Ali Sunyaev (head of the research group Critical Information Infrastructure (cii), at the Institute for Applied Informatics and Formal Description Methods (AIFB) of the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)) will take over the leadership of the Department of Information Systems (GI FB-WI) of the German Informatics Society (Gesellschaft für Informatik) on May 1, 2022.

girlsdayGirls’ Day - Future Prospects for Girls: Become a Scientist and Shape the Future

(29 April 2022) In contribution to this year’s nationwide “Girls’ Day - Future Prospects for Girls” on the 28th of April 2022, the cii research group conducted the workshop ‘Become a Scientist and Shape the Future – An Introduction to our Research Projects & Your Opportunities‘ - “Als Wissenschaftlerin die Zukunft gestalten – Wir zeigen dir unsere Forschungsprojekte & deine Möglichkeiten“ as a part of the overall KIT program.

fpForum Privatheit Paper Now Available as Open Access Publication

(13.04.22) The Forum Privatheit 2020 paper: "Let the Computer Say NO! The Neglected Potential of Policy Definition Languages for Data Sovereignty" by Jan Bartsch, Tobias Dehling, Florian Lauf, Sven Meister and Ali Sunyaev has now been published as part of the open access book " Selbstbestimmung, Privatheit und Datenschutz".

trusted_cloudOur article "A Design Theory for Certification Presentations" was accepted by the Journal ACM SIGMIS Database

(07.04.2022) The article "A Design Theory for Certification Presentations" by Sebastian Lins, Jan-Michael Becker, Kalle Lyytinen, and Ali Sunyaev has been accepted for publication in the Journal “ACM SIGMIS Database”.

KITShould KIT offer a degree in Blockchain? – Prof. Dr. Ali Sunyaev talks in FinanzBusiness interview

(06.04.2022) Since 2018 the Hochschule Mittweida (University of Applied Science) has been the first and only university in Germany to offer a Master’s degree in Blockchain. In the interview with FinanzBusiness Prof Dr. Ali. Sunyaev elaborates on which Distributed Ledger Technology/Blockchain-focused courses are already offered at KIT and whether he sees potential for a Blockchain degree at KIT.

basti_promotionCongratulations to Sebastian Lins for his successful doctoral examination

(23.03.2022) On March 24, 2022 Sebastian Lins successfully defended his PhD thesis! His dissertation is entitled “Unveiling and Enhancing the Effectiveness of Information System Certifications“.

We say congratulations, Sebastian!

girlsdayGirls’ Day - Future Prospects for Girls, 28 April 2022: Our cii Workshop is now open for registration!

(17 March 2022) This year’s nationwide Girls’ Day - Future Prospects for Girls - takes place on the 28th of April 2022. We are looking forward to opening our doors virtually for our cii workshop as a part of the broader KIT Girls’ Day program. ‘Become a Scientist and Shape the Future – An Introduction to our Research Projects & Your Opportunities‘ - “Als Wissenschaftlerin die Zukunft gestalten – Wir zeigen dir unsere Forschungsprojekte & deine Möglichkeiten“. The workshop will be conducted virtually (however, only in the German language) and is open for registration.

bestpaperwiBest Paper Award @ WI22 for the cii research group in the DaWID project

(02.03.2022) The paper “Linking Data Sovereignty and Data Economy: Arising Areas of Tension” von Florian Lauf; Simon Scheider; Jan Bartsch; Philipp Herrmann; Marija Radic; Marcel Rebbert; André T. Nemat; Christoph Schlueter Langdon; Ralf Konrad; Ali Sunyaev; and Sven Meister has been awarded with the Best Paper Award at the 17th International Conference on Wirtschaftsinformatik (WI22).

biseBISE Student – Blockchain-Enabled Open Access Publication Platform for Student Theses goes Online

(22.02.2022) BISE Student, a new blockchain-enabled publication platform, launches today. In collaboration with the Business & Information Systems Engineering (BISE) Journal, Bloxberg Blockchain, and the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, the project envisions transparent, secure open knowledge sharing and publishing of student theses.

annual_reportAnnual report 2021 of the cii research group published

(18.02.2022) The annual report includes many of the highlights from 2021, including information on publications, lectures and research projects.

Open Positions!

(11.02.22) Themen wie Trustworthy AI, Digitalisierung des Schulwesens, Cloud, Fog und Edge Computing, Datenschutz, oder Zertifizierungen wecken Dein Interesse? Am Institut für Angewandte Informatik und Formale Beschreibungsverfahren (AIFB) des Karlsruher Instituts für Technologie (KIT) gibt es ab sofort mehrere offene, vollfinanzierte Promotionsstellen, in denen Du aktiv in diesen Themenbereichen mitwirken kannst.

DIRECTIONS Kick-off - Data Protection Certification for Educational Information Systems

(31.01.2022) The kick-off was conducted virtually on 26 January 2022. Further information regarding the DIRECTIONS project (Data Protection Certification for Educational Information Systems) can soon be obtained on

New research commentary in AIS Transactions on Human-Computer Interaction published

(04.01.2022) The research commentary "Adaptive and Personalized Gamification Designs: Call for Action and Future Research" by Sofia Schöbel, Manuel Schmidt-Kraepelin, Andreas Janson, and Ali Sunyaev was published in AIS Transactions on Human-Computer Interaction.

Merry Christmas & Happy New Year 2022!

(21.12.2021) The cii research group wishes you a Merry Christmas, relaxing holidays and a good start into the New Year! We would also like to thank you for your cooperation in 2021 and are already looking forward to 2022.

Paper at the International Conference on Information Systems in Austin, Texas (ICIS’21)

(17.12.2021) Maximilian Renner from the cii research group presented a paper at the International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS), held in Austin, Texas, from December 11-15, 2021. The paper “Achieving Trustworthy Artificial Intelligence: Multi-Source Trust Transfer in Artificial Intelligence-capable Technology” was co-authored by Sebastian Lins, Matthias Söllner, Scott Thiebes und Ali Sunyaev.

New article accepted at Privacy in Machine Learning (NeurIPS 2021 Workshop)

(02.12.2012) The article "Architecture Matters: Investigating the Influence of Differential Privacy on Neural Network Design" by Felix Morsbach, Tobias Dehling und Ali Sunyaev has been accepted at Privacy in Machine Learning (NeurIPS 2021 Workshop) and will be presented by Felix Morsbach on 14.12.2021.

DaWID Consortium Meeting 2021

(01.12.2021) The consortium of the DaWID project gathered digitally to present themselves the progress within the respective work packages on Monday the 29.11.2021.

New research project DIRECTIONS already announced on German TV before official start!

In December, the new research project DIRECTIONS - Data Protection Certification for Educational Information Systems will start, which is led by the research group cii. Together with the University of Kassel and datenschutz cert GmbH, the KIT is developing and testing a sustainably, applicable data protection certification for school information systems.

New article published in the Journal of Medical Internet Research

(16.11.2021) The article "Security Engineering of Patient-Centered Health Care Information Systems in Peer-to-Peer Environments: Systematic Review" by Imrana Abduallahi Yari, Tobias Dehling, Felix Kluge, Jürgen Geck, Ali Sunyaev, and Bjoern Eskofier has been published in the Journal of Medical Internet Research.

Project Kick-Off “ISH: Intelligent Security Handwerk”

(29.10.21) On October 26, 2021, the kick-off meeting for the new research project „ISH: Intelligent Security Handwerk“ took place at the University of Kassel.

Prof. Dr. Sunyaev gave a Talk during the KIT Welcome Week

(19.10.2021) On 10/11/2021, the welcome week of the KIT department of economics and management took place. On this occasion, Prof. Dr. Ali Sunyaev welcomed the approximately 500 new freshmen of the industrial engineering and management study program at KIT.

cii Student Papers - 2021 collection published

(15.10.2021) We are very pleased that for the first time we can present a collection in which student works are collected together. In total, we selected nine student research articles contributing to the design, development, and evaluation of critical information infrastructures. The collection is freely available via KITOpen.

Fujitsu NEXT Award „IT INNOVATION“ 2021 | Award For an Outstanding Bachelor‘s Thesis

(04.10.2021) Fujitsu NEXT e.V. is offering an award for an outstanding Bachelor’s thesis in the field of „IT Innovation“. The Fujitsu NEXT Award 2021 includes a prize money of 5,000 Euro. The call is de facto open for all topics.

New article available as Early Access in the Journal IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering

(04.10.2021) Our new journal article “Challenges and Common Solutions in Smart Contract Development“ by Niclas Kannengießer, Sebastian Lins, Christian Sander, Klaus Winter, Hellmuth Frey, and Ali Sunyaev is now available as an early access article in the journal IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering (TSE).

Two papers accepted at the International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS) 2021

(30.09.2021) Two papers of the cii research group have been accepted for publication at the International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS), which will take place December 12-15, 2021.

New research article accepted for publication in Transactions on Software Engineering

(29.09.2021) Our new journal article “Challenges and Common Solutions in Smart Contract Development“ by Niclas Kannengießer, Sebastian Lins, Christian Sander, Klaus Winter, Hellmuth Frey, and Ali Sunyaev has been accepted for publication in the journal Transactions on Software Engineering (TSE).

cii Summer Excursion 2021


(28.09.2021) With the previous research group summer party being fairly limited due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the cii chair set for a summer excursion on the 4th of August 2021.

Exclusive Internships at University of Miami in 2022

(27.09.2021) Prof. Ali Sunyaev from the Critical Information Infrastructure Research Group at the Institute of Applied Informatics and Formal Description Methods (AIFB) ( is offering a research internship in cooperation with Prof. Dr. Robert W. Gregory at the University of Miami ( Bachelor students from the KIT can apply until November 1st, 2021 for an internship.

Four papers accepted at the Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS) 2022

(14.09.2021) Four papers of the cii research group have been accepted for publication at the 55th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS), which will take place January 4-7, 2022.

New article published in the Journal of Medical Internet Research (JMIR)

(10.09.2021) Our article "Conceptual Ambiguity Surrounding Gamification and Serious Games in Health Care: Literature Review and Development of Game-Based Intervention Reporting Guidelines (GAMING)" by Simon Warsinsky, Manuel Schmidt-Kraepelin, Sascha Rank, Scott Thiebes und Ali Sunyaev has been published in the Journal of Medical Internet Research and is now online.

cii courses and teaching WS 2021/2022

(23.08.2021) The research group cii offers exciting courses and opportunities in the upcoming semester.

New Research Project on the Digitalization of Food Supply Chains

(23.08.2021) The German Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture (BMEL) and the German Federal Office for Agriculture and Food (BLE) are funding the research project SPECK (Systemic Optimization of the Meat Value Chain using the Example of Pig Farming through the Development and Embedding of Digital Tools) on digitalization in food supply chains from April 1, 2021 to March 31, 2024.

Faculty Partner Award for our Team Project in SoSe 2021

(27.07.2021) Our team project group has achieved 1st place this semester, in the Faculty Partner Award of the event "Team Project Business and Technology", on the topic "Innovative Designs for mHealth Privacy Assistants".

Association for Information Systems recognizes Prof. Dr. Ali Sunyaev as an AIS Distinguished Member - Cum Laude

(21.07.2021) Prof. Dr. Ali Sunyaev was recognized as an AIS Distinguished Member - Cum Laude by the Association for Information Systems (AIS).

Second "cii Blockchain Hackathon"

(14.07.2021) From 01.09.2021-17.10.2021, we offer students of the KIT the opportunity to design and implement Blockchain-based solutions for current challenges in practice. Get exciting insights into the potentials of blockchain by discussing the use of blockchain in different fields together with industry partners. Get in touch with blockchain experts from the field during the hackathon and develop blockchain applications for a decentralized future together.

New publication in the Computing Conference (2021) proceedings

(12.07.2021) The paper „Security in Distributed Ledger Technology: An Analysis of Vulnerabilities and Attack Vectors“ by Efthimios-Enias Gojka, Niclas Kannengießer, Benjamin Sturm, Jan Bartsch, und Ali Sunyaev has been published in the proceedings of the Computing Conference 2021.

3rd PANDIA Consortium Meeting

(02.07.2021) On June 23, 2021, the third consortium meeting in the PANDIA project took place as an online event. In addition to the project partners, the VDI/VDE was also present.

Wann kommt Gaia-X? Sebastian Lins im Interview mit Ute Häußler

(28.06.2021) Die souveräne Dateninfrastruktur Gaia-X verspricht europäischen Unternehmen eine sichere Digitalisierung – und schwankt doch zwischen Hoffnung und Bangen. Die Hürden scheinen noch riesig, wie genau das Mega-Projekt in die Praxis kommt...

Special seminar Selected Issues WS21/22

(14.06.2021) This coming Wintersemeter 21/22 we are offering an exciting special seminar for Master's students. The goal of the seminar is to develop innovative, digital teaching concepts with online teaching in mind.


Project DaWID publishes position paper "Data Sovereignty and Data Economy - Two Repulsive Forces?"

(11.06.2021) Citizens who have sovereignty over their data and at the same time the existence of organizations that create value with it —a dichotomy for many. However, the DaWID project aims to make this a reality by uniting data sovereignty for citizens and the data economy.

New research article accepted for publication in Business & Information Systems Engineering (BISE)

(26.05.2021) Our new journal article “Artificial Intelligence as a Service – Classification and Research Directions“ by Sebastian Lins, Konstantin D. Pandl, Heiner Teigeler, Scott Thiebes, Calvin Bayer, and Ali Sunyaev has been accepted for publication in the journal Business & Information Systems Engineering as ‘Catchword’.

New research article accepted for publication in Scientific Reports

(04.05.2021) Our new journal article “How detection ranges and usage stops impact digital contact tracing effectiveness for COVID-19“ by Konstantin Pandl, Scott Thiebes, Manuel Schmidt-Kraepelin, and Ali Sunyaev has been accepted for publication in the journal Scientific Reports.

Cii joined the Competence Center for Applied Security Technology (KASTEL)

(28.04.2021) Since January 1, 2021, the Critical Information Infrastructures (cii) research group has joined the Competence Center for Applied Security Technology (KASTEL).

COMMUNITY DAYS “Governance, Risk, Compliance in IT” on 29 & 30.04.2021

(27.04.2021) Sebastian Lins will on 30th April present the AUDITOR project in his talk “AUDITOR – Development of a new data protection certification for cloud services” at 11:30 am during the COMMUNITY DAYS. This two-day online event is about “IT outsourcing, managed services and cloud computing: IT-GRC in the context of external IT services”.

New paper for the 2021 ACM Conference on Health, Inference, and Learning (CHIL ’21) accepted

(15.04.2021) Our new paper  Trustworthy machine learning for health care: scalable data valuation with the shapley value “ by Konstantin Pandl, Fabian Feiland, Scott Thiebes, and Ali Sunyaev has been accepted for the conference „CHIL '21: ACM Conference on Health, Inference, and Learning“, which is held on April 7th-8th 2021 as an online event. The full paper will be available online shortly after.

Upcoming Event: "Datenschutz am Mittag"—Certification of Cloud Services

(12.04.2021) On 16.04.2021, the status of the AUDITOR project's work will be presented and an outlook on upcoming practice will be given at "Datenschutz am Mittag". 

How do we build trustworthy AI-based systems? — An Interview with Prof. Ali Sunyaev

(06.04.2021) In an interview with KIT Link, Prof. Ali Sunyaev talks about how trustworthy AI-based systems can be build. KIT Link is a transatlantic network for the future of work. 

New Article published in “Electronics“

(15.03.2021) We published our article “When Data Fly: An Open Data Trading System in Vehicular Ad-Hoc Networks” by Markus Lücking, Felix Kretzer, Niclas Kannengießer, Michael Beigl, Ali Sunyaev and Wilhelm Stork successfully in “Electronics“ 2021.

First cii Blockchain Hackathon

(22.02.2021) From 25.03.2021-01.04.2021, we offer students of KIT the opportunity to design and implement Blockchain-based solutions for current challenges in practice. Get exciting insights into the potentials of blockchain by discussing the use of blockchain in different fields together with EnBW Energie Baden-Württemberg AG, the Office for IT & Digitalization of the City of Karlsruhe and Stadtwerke Karlsruhe GmbH. 

A new blog post on blockchain for open knowledge published

(19.02.2021) The research group cii has published a new post on the digilog@bw knowledge blog. In the post, Benjamin Sturm and Ali Sunyaev discuss the potential of blockchain technology in the context of open knowledge.

Annual report 2020 of the cii research group published

(18.02.2021) The annual report includes many of the highlights from 2020, including information on publications, lectures and research projects.

Best Theory Paper in Track @ ICIS 2020

(16.02.2021) The paper "Social Comparison in mHealth: The Role of Similar Others and Feelings of Envy" by Monica Fallon, Manuel Schmidt-Kraepelin, Scott Thiebes, Simon Warsinsky, and Ali Sunyaev has been awarded with the Best Theory Paper Award in the track IS in Healthcare at the 41st International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS 2020).

New Article published in „Business & Information Systems Engineering“

(15.02.2021) Our article “Token Economy” by Ali Sunyaev, Niclas Kannengießer, Roman Beck, Horst Treiblmaier, Mary Lacity, Johann Kranz, Gilbert Fridgen, Ulli Spankowski and André Luckow was accepted for the Journal „Business & Information Systems Engineering“, an international journal for the design and utilization of information systems.

Best Paper Award @ HICSS-54

(08.01.2021) The paper "Online at Will: A Novel Protocol for Mutual Authentication in Peer-to-Peer Networks for Patient-Centered Health Care Information Systems" by Imrana Abdullahi Yari, Tobias Dehling, Felix Kluge, Bjoern Eskofier und Ali Sunyaev has been awarded with the Best Paper Award at the 54th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS-54).

Best Paper Nomination @ HICSS-54

(01.01.2021) The paper "Online at Will: A Novel Protocol for Mutual Authentication in Peer-to-Peer Networks for Patient-Centered Health Care Information Systems" by Imrana Abdullahi Yari, Tobias Dehling, Felix Kluge, Bjoern Eskofier, and Ali Sunyaev has been nominated for the Best Paper Award at HICSS-54.

Merry Christmas & Happy New Year 2021!

(22.12.2020) The cii research group wishes you a Merry Christmas, relaxing holidays and a good start into the New Year! We would also like to thank you for your cooperation in 2020 and are already looking forward to 2021. See you soon & stay healthy!

Successful participation in the "1st International IDEATHON Challenge 2020"

(17.12.2020) A team of the cii research group participated in the “1st International IDEATHON Challenge” from December 11–13 and achieved 2nd place in the competition.

Congratulations to Benjamin Sturm for his successful doctoral examination

(14.12.2020) On December 8, 2020 Benjamin Sturm successfully defended his PhD thesis! We say congratulations, Benjamin!

Vorträge der cii Forschungsgruppe bei „Forum Privatheit“ 2020

(14.12.2020) The two accepted abstracts from the cii research group were presented at this year's annual conference "Forum Privatheit" 2020.

Paper and Awards at the Pre-ICIS Workshop on Information Security and Privacy (WISP 2020)

(14.12.2020) Malte Greulich from the cii research group presented a paper at the Pre-ICIS Annual Workshop on Information Security and Privacy (WISP), which was held virtually as a pre-ICIS event on December 12, 2020.

The research group is participating in the new research project to develop Federation Services for GAIA-X!

(06.11.2020) Within the GAIA-X project, the foundations for the development of a networked, open data infrastructure based on European values are being developed. The cii research group is supporting the "Compliance" work package as a subcontractor.

New Article published in IEEE Access

(28.10.2020) We published our article “The Merits of a Decentralized Pollution-Monitoring System Based on Distributed Ledger Technology” von Markus Lücking, Niclas Kannengießer, Maurice Kilgus, Till Riedel, Michael Beigl, Ali Sunyaev und Wilhelm Stork in IEEE Access.

New Article published in JMIR mhealth and uhealth!

(19.10.2020) We published our article “Archetypes of Gamification: Analysis of mHealth Apps” by Manuel Schmidt-Kraepelin, Philipp Toussaint, Scott Thiebes, Juho Hamari, and Ali Sunyaev in JMIR mhealth and uhealth. The article is now freely available via open access:

Four papers accepted at the Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS) 2021

(16.10.2020) Four papers of the cii research group have been accepted for publication at the 54th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS), which will take place January 5-8, 2021.

New Article published in the Electronic Markets Journal

(05.10.2020) We published our article “Trustworthy artificial intelligence” by Scott Thiebes, Sebastian Lins, and Ali Sunyaev in the Electronic Markets Journal. The article is now freely available via open access:​​​​​​​

Exclusive Internships at Yale University in 2021!

(01.10.2020) Prof. Ali Sunyaev from the Critical Information Infrastructure Research Group at the Institute of Applied Informatics and Formal Description Methods (AIFB) is offering a research internship in cooperation with Prof. Jakub Szefer at the Yale University. Bachelor students from the KIT can apply until November 1st, 2020 for an internship.

Two papers accepted at the International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS) 2020

(30.09.2020) Two papers of the cii research group have been accepted at the 41th International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS), which will take place virtually, December 13-16, 2020.

New DFG Project to Research Digitization in Health Care (KIT)

(17.09.2020) The German Research Foundation (DFG) is funding a new research project on digitization in the healthcare sector as part of its priority program "Digitization of the Workplace".

New Article published in the Decision Sciences Journal

(10.09.2020) We published our article “Why Don't You Join In? A Typology of Information System Certification Adopters” by Sebastian Lins, Theresa Kromat, Julian Löbbers, Alexander Benlian and Ali Sunyaev in the Decision Sciences Journal.

Surveys on privacy in mHealth Apps and the Corona-Warn-App in the PANDIA project

(07.09.2020) Our project PANDIA investigates various aspects of privacy in the field of health apps.

Congratulations to Jens Lansing for his successful doctoral examination

(02.09.2020) On September 2, 2020 Jens Lansing successfully defended his PhD thesis! His dissertation is entitled „IS Certifications: Structure, Evaluation Process, and Impact on Trust and Decisions“.

AI meets Distributed Ledger: building marketplaces, sharing data and breaking silos – Interview with Prof. Ali Sunyaev

(14.07.2020) In an interview published on June 10, 2020, Prof. Ali Sunyaev talks about the convergence of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Distributed Ledger Technology to create systems with trustworthy AI.

cii Research Group at conference "Forum Privatheit" 2020

(13.07.2020) Two submissions of the cii research group have been accepted for the virtual conference at "Forum Privatheit", which will take place November 12-13, 2020.

First Articles Mention the DaWID Project

(29.06.2020) The DaWID project will provide the possibility of sovereign data handling for citizens while allowing a data centered value creation in form of a platform ecosystem.

GAIA-X publishes new documents on the status quo of the project - The research group CII contributed to the Technical Architecture

(08.06.2020) With GAIA-X, representatives from politics, business and science from France and Germany, together with other European partners, create a proposal for the next generation of a data infrastructure for Europe.

Faculty Teaching Award 2020 - Prof. Ali Sunyaev receives the teaching award of the KIT Faculty Economics and Management

(03.06.2020) Prof. Ali Sunyaev receives the teaching award of the KIT Faculty „Economics and Management" for outstanding interactive and practice-oriented courses on current topics such as "Cloud Computing, Blockchain, or IoT."

New article published in the journal ACM Computing Surveys!

(02.06.2020) A new research paper was published in the journal ACM Computing Surveys titled “Trade-offs between Distributed Ledger Technology Characteristics” by Niclas Kannengießer, Sebastian Lins, Tobias Dehling, and Ali Sunyaev.

35aik_Blockchain_6_cropped.jpgThe 35th AIK Symposium „Blockchain - Proof-of-Worth“

(12.11.2019) As the organizer of the symposium, Prof. Dr. Ali Sunyaev gave his inaugural lecture at the 35th AIK Symposium on "Blockchain - Proof-of-Worth" explaining the transformative character of the DLT and a multi-perspective consensus that must be reached across various disciplines (e.g., computer science, law, and economics) in order to make the DLT fit for the future.
